MovieChat Forums > My So-Called Life (1994) Discussion > Anyone else watch this annually?

Anyone else watch this annually?

I watched 'My So Called Life' in it's initial run and I still restart it every fall. Any other thirtysomethings (pun intended)out there still make this a yearly tradition? Fall is my favorite season and there's something about this shows first few episodes that captures the feel of that time of year perfectly. The nostalgia is palatable but also nearly unbearable at this point in my life yet I still put myself through it. Am I just a sad, sad woman clutching on to threads of her adolescence or does anyone else share this sentiment?

"Living our maggot lives, dreaming of becoming flies."



I have to agree with you on finding the IMDb forums to be often lacking any kind of passion. It seems to have been nearly completely replaced with snark and anger. Again, maybe it's my age. Is 31 that far out of the forum scouring demographic? Maybe...

Once upon a time I spent hours on this site communicating about all the shows and films I watch and re-watch with others who shared my obsessions but now I'm drawn here less and less for any kind of interaction. I can't remember the last time I had an actual volley going with someone.

Thanks for your reply, it was oddly refreshing and that really IS something.

"Living our maggot lives, dreaming of becoming flies."


Hey I'm 44 and far out of the age demographic that usually posts. I love this show and yes, I watch it annually or more often.


I'm 21, and I watch annually since I discovered the series when I was 13. I was 14 when I shelled out $250 to own the BMG DVD set which I bought off eBay. Flashforward to when Shout re-released and I gave the BMG set away for free just so they could discover what a great show it is and then pass it on.

I'm a big fan..


I watch it at least twice a year. Sometimes more if im down about something


*Cries*...this was going to be the first year I would have been able to!
I only discovered the show over a year ago! I really wanted to watch this every Monday at the same time from the day it started to the day it finished, every week but didn't think about it until a couple of days ago!
Will write it on my calendar for next year! I'll watch it before then ha ha, but want to experience it like I would have in 1994, during the 90's, like a teen if I'd known about it!


Yes, I'm a 29 (almost 30) year old, and yes, I usually find myself watching it every fall. I find myself usually thinking about it around Halloween and thinking about the Halloween episode and thus end up watching the whole series over the course of a few days or a week. Now that I think about it though, I wonder if it's a subconscious thing since the show basically starts at/near the school year and I think no matter how old you are, you still think of September as the quintessential "back to school" time. So maybe on some level, by watching this show every Fall, it's our way of acknowledging that back to school feeling and for just a few hours, we go back to where we were when this show aired originally (which was in the Fall) and remember the feelings we got while watching it for the first time, it really was an amazing show!

BTW- I'm totally watching the Halloween episode right now! :)

With God all things are possible. ~Matthew 19:26


This episode always comes to mind every Halloween. I find it fascinating that the ghost died Halloween 1963 and he could see and interact with Angela whereas the other ghosts she saw didn't even see her. Didn't Ray-Ann say the clothes she gave Angela were worn by her aunt who was at the dance back then?
I like the side story going on with the parents and sister. Loved the advice little sister got about not letting boys suck the life out of fun(or something like that)!
