Halley Lowenthal

She is the most obnoxious character. And a super annoying eater.

"It was my serial shirtlessness..."


Oh gosh, I wanted to yell at her when she ate. I can't stand listening to people talk over their food.

What you /f/e/e/l/ is what you are; and what you are is {b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l.}<3


I know and it isn't even limited to one time! Blah!! Patty bothers me because she is such a huge ballbreaking nag but poor Graham doesn't have much to choose from if Halley is his only alternative.

"It was my serial shirtlessness..."


I didn't notice the eating, but it did bug me how she was yelling all the damn time.

I hear the drizzle of the rain. Like a memory it falls.



I want to scream at her character - incredibly obnoxious, and couldn't agree more - her eating is soooo annoying, I can't stand it!!! I just hate the whole character, she is a disgusting person, so aggravating & unlikeable and I can't believe Graham tolerates her, let alone goes into business with her.

Plus, I notice on the series, they really love to say last names. They're either calling eachother by their full name or just the last name. Sometimes it works - Brian Krakow or Jordan Catalano. But Halley Lowenthal is a horrible name, and a mouthful and it annoys me when they repeatedly say her entire name all the time. I would've killed her off in season 2, had there been one.

"Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl


THANK YOU for this. I always thought it (the eating thing mainly) and because I am British I wasn't sure if it was an American thing or something. Clearly it isn't, phew!

I ate the fuzzy certs.
They tasted like keys.


Baaaaaaaaaaa ha ha when you watch the bonus disc in the box set and you watch the interview with Bess who played Patty she says that in real life, everyone in the cast treated her the way they did Halley! Which was bad!
Even though she was not really there to take Graham away..........but by the time she came onto the show, eveyone had bonded like a real family so even behind the scenes and when the director yelled cut, all the kids on set and even Bess herself felt like she was there to break everyone up so they were a bit mean to her and left her out of things like conversations and lunch breaks LOL.
She said looks back and feels so bad for her because she was really nice and really smart but everyone was sticking together and she looks back and sees how much they made her feel like an outcast on set! She said "It was really rude and very wrong now that I look back...I feel so bad for her to have to come into that enviroment everyday for so long and be able to keep a smile on her face. But we really did feel like a real family"!


Halley Lowenthal....... A "White/Shiksa" Jew from Texas ?? What the hell was that about??





I literally read that as I was watching the show and thinking "Oh my gosh, she eats so gross"


I always thought she was really obnoxious and unattractive...EXCEPT in the scene when Graham meets her at the restaurant space on that rainy day and Halley is drenched and appears to be really vulnerable: she looks so gorgeous in that scene, like a totally different actress.

www.huffingtonpost.com/nathan-j-winograd/PETA-KILLS-PUPPIES-KITTENS_b_ 2979220.html
