Anyone notice?....funny

hi all,
i was just wondering if anyone else noticed that in the episode "guns & gossip", the mother who gives the speech, "my daughter has been in tears for hours" is Magda (the burnt to a crisp one) from Theres something about mary!....ha... just thought it was funny!


Yes! Lin Shaye! I LOVE her! A truly great character actress. She was the best thing in 'Detroit Rock City' in my opinion.

"Living our maggot lives, dreaming of becoming flies."


LOL I have noticed that. The way she delivers the line is great. I love her!


No, I never noticed that was her! I'll have to go look now.


No, I never noticed. Thanks. I love There's Something about Mary and Lin Shaye was so good in that. Unrecognizable! Guns and Gossip is one of my favorite episodes too.

I was cured all right.


Another surprising cameo is the girl who plays Angela as a young child: none other than Kaley Cuoco. 2979220.html
