MovieChat Forums > My So-Called Life (1994) Discussion > Writer Winnie, reveals what would have h...

Writer Winnie, reveals what would have happened!

So, all us fans have been talking about what would have happened in season 2 for all these years right? Well, now we know...

I bought the American DVD box set of the series and it comes with a 40 page booklet! The book opens with writer Winnie Holzman telling us what she would have had happened. She also talks of things during her one on one interview with Claire and reveals more information! Here it is...

She says she would have had Angela's parents break up (Graham leaving Patty), making Patty go deep into a depression where she wouldn't even leave her bed, forcing Angela to take over the house hold and be the parent!

She said she would have had a pregnancy and that Sharon was the obvious choice for that!

She said the teacher that took Ricky in, would have been found out by the school board and fired from his job for taking a student into his home but that THAT would have snapped Patty out of her depression so she could defend him!

And most of all, Did Angela choose Brian or Jordan?...She said Angela would have fallen even deeper in love with Jordan that she would have felt overwhelmed by the relationship and turned to Brian for help, talking to him about the relationship but at the same time falling for him and making the situation even harder on all of them!

How amazing that we finally get to know some information after all these years!
Get the DVD box set that comes with a bonus disc full of bonus material and a 40 page booklet full of stories and great info on everything!


I hate the idea of Angela with Brian. I don't consider him particularly sensitive or compassionate. He has a very low level understanding of other people.

Do you have any talents?
Well, I'm an Alcoholic.


Except for the teacher getting fired, I can't see any of it.


Same here, Jennifer. I hate these ideas and knowing this actually makes me glad that the show was canceled after one perfect season.


The only idea I liked was for Graham to leave Patty.

"Stop grinning like a psycho, and get back to work." Doakes, on Dexter


I agree with JessaCita. These ideas make me glad the show ended when it did. I actually thought the writers went too far with the Rayanne/Jordan tryst, because it made it impossible for Angela and Rayanne to continue their friendship. Instead of sleeping together, it should have been a drunk, intense kiss. This is still pretty heinous behaviour by a friend, but at least it's conceivable that Angela and Rayanne could have salvaged a friendship. I LOVED the Graham character, and to see him abandon his family because of a mid-life crisis would have made me hate him. I also wanted to see what actor would eventually play Tino.

I never go anywhere without my Party Cannon!! -- Pinkie Pie




I need to get the box set!

honey badger don't care.


Thanks, I was so happy to have all the episodes on dvr and not have to spend the money and now I need the box set, lol.

I can see Graham cheating on Patty, getting caught, and Patty throwing him out. I cannot see Patty getting upset enough to stay in bed. Remember at her grandparents party where grandpa didn't come, Angela comments on her mom faking happiness. I think Patty would fake it up and eventually drive herself to a breakdown THEN stay in bed depressed.

I can see Sharon getting pregnant, flipping out, debating an abortion, then losing it and feeling sad for thinking of getting rid of it. It would change her forever.

As for Brain and Angela, I think a slow progression would be best since up to this point Angela has shown no interest in him and Brain has been kind of a douche. I think he would use his intellect to win the girl away from Jordan. Sure, she loves Jordan, but her brain knows better. Brian could speak to her on z whole other level.

It's nice that Winnie put the info in there but as it is, it wouldn't work unless there were more details. As much as I hate to say it, I'm glad it's just the one season. I'd hate to think of my perfect characters ruined.






What about Danielle? I wonder wher they would have taken her character?


I got the first issue boxed set from BMG so at some point I'll have to buy the new one to get the booklet. LOL!

I can pretty much see all of that happening except Angela falling for Brian. Nope, no way. I agree that in reality Angela would probably never have attracted Jordan Catalano but she would definitely be in love with him over Brian. I could never see her falling for Brian. I can see she and Jordan getting back together, she decides to have sex with him, then eventually Jordan gets bored with her, cheats on her and they break up. I can see her eventually getting together with a guy that's not as hot as Jordan but not the total nerd Brian is.

I wonder what plans Winnie had for Rayanne? Now I really want to see that booklet!



igbygrl, you do have a point. I can see them possibly getting together after 8 or 10 years when they've both matured and he's grown out of his geekiness. After all the actor is way better looking now than he was as Brian.


I think rayanne pretty much worked herself into a major hole as it was and it's have been interesting to see her sink into a depression as she dealt with sobriety and the fact that she alienated everyone who cared about her. And then watch her jump off a cliff. Ok, that's not funny but perhaps because she is so unlike able we fans can't come up with much material for her. I do think there were underlying issues with her $hitbag of a mother that were screaming to be uncovered. I never forgave amber for leaving for a date as her daughter ODed.


And for sure keep katimski! He was so...uh....awesome. Lol


I absolutely agree with you, I could see all of this happening. I actually quite like the thought of Brian and Angela together. Brian might be a douche, but I think he just puts up a wall because he's so insecure when it comes to girls - he's usually very nice to Rickie.

But I disagree with the hating Patty. I think she just harboured some of her mothers "everything-is-perfeeect"-act. But she is a very fair lady, and I really admire that. I absolutely see her snapping out of depression because of Mr. Katimski being fired - that's why I like her character.

I don't see Graham cheating/beeing caught cheating. He had the chance before. PLenty of times. But I see him leaving her - and then go for Holly. And I can see Angela hate him for it, while her sister might get rebelious, or difficult concidering how she "feared her parents would get a divorce".

Also, I believe Sharon and Rayanne would be better friends. Rayanne would probably be the first person Sharon would confess her pregnancy to.

Plus, though not in the second season - but I actually wouldn't have been shocked if Rayanne killed herself - with or without luck/it being on purpose. @igbygrl, Rickie would probably distance himself from Rayanne - he already started doing so in the last episodes.




I was only a year old when this came on the telly, so missed out on it the first time. I watched it for the first time, when my sister recieved a handmade boxset of it, back in oh god, 2008? Maybe earlier. I loved it!

I was so agitated there was no second season! I wish there had been.
Winnie's ideas seem like a completely different series, like wow, i was shocked at how she would have made it go, BUT i would have loved to have seen it.

I think she should have more of a development with Jordan though, and agree with everyone else... her and brian maybe in 8-10 years after high school.

Le sigh, oh well, we can dream eh


I could have seen all of these things happening.

Angela's parents breaking up? Check. However, I see them getting back together eventually.

Sharon pregnancy? Check. Could see it happening.

Brian or Jordan? Yep. I could see it. She was already falling for him in the last episode with that almost kiss, before Jordan interrupted them.


Man I would have loved to see a season 2. I was too young at the time when it was actually on tv but when I watched it I definitely fell in love with it. It was such a great show and it ended too early. I need to get the box set!!

I can see all of this happening. The teacher thing would have been sad but that's reality and this show was great with realism in certain aspects.

Graham and Patty... well to be honest I'm not sure how I would feel about that. I didn't like Patty at first but when she got that haircut, I think it really helped her personality. Graham, he could be a little finicky but I think what could have happened was Patty catches Holly or whatever that annoying lady's name was kissing him and she of course thinks he's cheating and kicks him out. But it's not permanent. If it became permanent I doubt Patty would go into a deep depression, it seems out of character for her.

Sharon pregnant? Yeah I can see that.

I also really dislike the idea of Angela and Brian. There is just no way that could have been convincing now or 10 years down the line. I agree with what someone said before about female leads always seeming at one point on their shows to have a love triangle. It happens a lot. But I don't think Brian would have an actual chance. Angela might have gone out with him on a date and they both see that it would never have worked. They're just good friends.

Now Jordan on the other hand, I really wanted to see more development and more into his background. We didn't get a chance to see that and outside of his obvious mysterious demeanor, he really was a mystery. I wanted to know about him. We saw into everyone's life for a bit, outside of his. I think he and Angela would have gone strong for a while. Yeah he was a bit in need of some guidance but we can clearly see the change in him (though that Rayanne thing burns my grits) and Angela influenced him enough where he makes those changes on his own without her having to hold his hand. They may not last out of high school or through college but that's more believable than suddenly changing her mind due to a love letter and being with Brian. Plus, I didn't like him that much.
