Buffalo Tom...

Sharon: "Maybe I'll go. I like Buffalo Tom. WHAT? I DOOO! God, I am so sick of being 'perfect.'"

Yeah, Buffalo Tom is super hardcore. Only majorly rebellious, out of control teens liked Buffalo Tom. lol

I always loved this show but sometimes it is pretty lol-worthy.

"It was my serial shirtlessness..."


LOL, agreed. Even in 1994, it was like, "BUFFALO TOM??"

I'll bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.


super Lols!! Yeah, I mean at that time Grunge was HUGE! Plus why not go a bit punk a la Rayanne? ramones - I wanna be sedated? ;)

"Forget acting. It's all about rock 'n' roll."
Brendan Fraser


I was just thinking... Were they local boys or something? Were they a Pittsburgh band? Pardon me while I to wikipedia...

Hmmm... Boston. Ballpark, maybe kinda? What was it with alternative rock and Boston, anyway? Pixies, Morphine, Juliana Hatfield, Lemonheads, and, of course, Buffalo Tom. Weird.

You know, it also would have made sense if they were from Buffalo.

Pills are good! PILLS ARE GOOD!


Hmm, not sure why they were on the show. I do recall some other group being on there (Animalbag or some such name?) and they were both, as I recall, bands that had basically one decent song at the time and then were never heard of again. Maybe this was a way to try and help them get exposure. I am going off memory of when the show was first on though and I was 15-16, so I could be wrong.

"Well let's recap the movie so far: somebody went to Alcapulco and somebody almost bought gas."


I can't be bothered to look into it, but by the time this show came out, all the entertainment companies were merged into entertainment megaconglomerates. Maybe these bands were on labels that were owned by the same conglomerate (Disney, I believe) that owned ABC, and they were trying to promote them on their one teenager-friendly show? Just a guess.

I knew both of those bands before seeing them on MSCL, btw. Buffalo Tom from watching lots of 120 Minutes and Alternative Nation on MTV (probably mainly the former; I'm not sure they were ever popular enough to make it onto the mainstream "alternative" show), and Animalbag from their one almost-hit being played like crazy on my local modern rock radio station for some reason.

I like pretty, dark-haired women and breakfast food.


That song was soooo anoying ..How many time did it get played in that EP??





Are you kidding me...that is the best song EVER! I spent 10 almost 10 years searching for that song.
