Patty was a mean mother.

She never thought Angela's friends were good enough, she knew Ricky was having problems and took an angel intervention for her to have a soft spot for a homeless child on Christmas. I seriously thought Patty was condescending and mean throughout the series. My mom was always wayyyy nicer to my friends than that growing up.


Same! Even if my mum didn't like a friend of mine she was very nice to them which made them nice back!
I just hated how she had to think about letting Angela go only ACROSS THE DAMN STREET so she could study with Brain who she really liked anyway!
And her reaction to Graham gviing the concert tickets to Angela and Rayanne to see "The greateful dead" was so over the top I really hate her in that episode!
No wonder Angela loved her dad more than her mother!
I also hated in "The zit" how she knew from the moment she told Angela about the fashion show and that she didn't wanna do it that she forced her and made her feel guilty and totally ignored Danielle and her feelings about wanting to do it with her!
I find she over looked poor Danielle to swamp Angela with her over reactions, over worrying and guilt trips!
Angela never did anything wrong and Patty could trust her but she just never let her be and do her own thing even after telling Graham that she's growing up and he has to let her go until she's ready...well she needed to do that same thing but didn't!
I also hated how when she was angry at something Angela did that she took it out on Graham!


I don't think she was mean at all. A little strict maybe but not mean. To me she was a better mother than most are now. She actually kept track of her daughter and didn't let her run wild.



I agree, Mark. I mean she had GROWN UP with Brian. Angela also clearly showed that she did have good judgement, she did call her mother after she was worried about Rayanne and nothing Angela did was that wild or out of control, just normal rites of passage.

I didn't like her especially after she was put off by Ricky staying with them, my family's heart would have broke if they had found out a child's family had left behind and certainly would have helped and been more hospitable and not indifferent.


I am watching "Father Figures" now and her reaction about the Dead tickets was ridiculous. Also didn't Jerry die around the time the episode was shown in the UK? I seem to recall this from an NME article!

I ate the fuzzy certs.
They tasted like keys.


YES!!! Me too...her reaction to that was so beyond ridiculous! You can tell she's such a judgmental bitch through the whole season that she hated Rayannes mother the first time she met her and that THAT'S the reason she was not happy that Rayannes mother was going to be there! I mean, any other parent would be happy to know that someones MOTHER was going to be there to look after them!
I think if they were going to see the "Spice girls" she would not care but because it was a rock concert she overreacted!

You can tell how much Graham really wanted her to go so they could have something to bond over and Patty knew that, and she didn't want that to happen because it would just push Angela away even more from Patty but she brought it on herself with the way she reacted to everything Angela does!

I really wanna stab Patty at the dinner table in the pilot episode with the way she coments on her was so condescending and rude! "At least we'll always be able to spot a crowd" then gives her that fake ass smile!


Patty sucked. She was always putting everyone down. I don't blame her husband for straying at all.


There's never an excuse for cheating. Not that Graham did actually cheat but no matter how much Patty sucked that's not a reason to cheat. If you don't want to be with the person you are with, leave.


I'm rewatching the series and was struck by how horrible she is. She is the worst TV mom I can think of. I think she sees herself as a 'supermom' but is really quite controlling and condescending... to her kids, husband, everyone.



Most people grew up and learned to at least empathize with Patty,and her complexities. Then there are those who want to keep feeling as they did when they first watched the show. Those people, will forever hate Patty. It's ok to like the adults on the show too, people. It's ok.


I couldn't stand Patty and still can't. She was rude,overbearing and seemed she thought she was above others. I loved the episode where Rayanne's mom told her to get off her high horse. But I love Angela's dad and have always wished I had a dad like him.


Yes, she was horrible. Such a control freak. That big fake smile and the short hair didn't help either I think.


I'm in the middle of the series right now, and during almost every episode I cringe at how unlikeable she is. She's horrible--not so much mean in my opinion as a judgmental control freak. I'm not sure I've ever met anyone in real life so devoid of redeeming qualities. In the episode I'm watching now, she actually complained that Rayanne has yet to thank her for saving her life.

If everything you try works, you aren't trying hard enough. ~ Gordon Moore


Patty was just like my mom was when I was 15/16. She didn't like that I was growing up so she wanted to stop it from happening. She couldn't see how mature I was becoming. She tried to stop me from shaving my legs or wearing make up because it would mean I wasnt her baby anymore. Patty had to control everything and since she couldn't control Angela anymore, she decided to punish her. And she was so pretentious towards Amber, Rayanne and Ricky. She didn't like anyone that wasn't like her.....preppy wasp. She didn't have the upbringing to welcome in different people into her uptight world. So sad to live that way.


I don't see patti as mean.

More like she didn't want to interfere, that it wasn't her place to decide the living arrangements of ricki- patti tried to help rayanne and got burned for caring.

Patti needed guidance , she got it from the angel.
Its a shame that patti allowed Ricki to leave during the next episode - such a spiritual moment would surely galvanise her feelings towards Ricki, and for that reason I can't give the show 10 out of 10.


I didn't like either Patty or Amber's parenting style. Patty sometime acts like she's Angela's her enemy (because of how close Graham and Angela are)but she loves her daughter... Amber want's to be Rayanne's friend so bad she forgets she is the mother but she still loves her daughter.

I used to like glitter now ,I love guns
