Patty and Graham's ages

So in real life in 1994, Bess and Tom were 41 and 38 respectively. Any idea how old their characters were supposed to be? About the same, or younger?

I just find it interesting rewatching this now at 36 and when it originally aired when I was 15. I thought the parents were soooo old, but they had teen and tween daughters, and here I am close to the age they were supposed to be/really were and my daughter is only a year and a half old.

I know I am an older new parent, it's just crazy how much your perspective changes from being a teenager to being in your mid 30's.


I'm pretty sure that in the episode where Patty thinks she's pregnant and worries about her age, Camille tells her "40 is still considered young!". I also think that Patty and Graham where in the same high school year.


I guess patti and Graham would have been in their early 20's when they made angela.


Yeah I was 14 when I started watching this back in 1997 and I remember thinking the parents were quite old but they are only eight or so years older than I am now.


Early 40s isn't old, but Patty and Graham looked and acted old for their age. TV shows and cheesy movies always do this with mothers. Women that are 36 look like a 50-something librarian. Always short hair, glasses, either a stern voice or an old and frail voice, lots of sweaters- including turtlenecks, and mom jeans. Always wistful thinking about "the good old days." Always prim and proper. Always suspicious of their daughter's date. Dialogue staples: "How was your day at school?" "Dinner's ready!" "Well all right, you can go, but be home by eight!" The list of cliches go on.

Also, the ballroom dancing story line? Who f.cking does that in their 30s or 40s?! Literally all of the adults on the show, except for Amber, seemed ten years older than their supposed age. This is so baffling to me, because this isn't everyone's reality. My family was always youthful in looks, dress, and personality. IMO Patty bounced between acting repressed/stuffy and embarrassingly childish. There was no in between.
