MovieChat Forums > My So-Called Life (1994) Discussion > Favourite artistic/directed scene?

Favourite artistic/directed scene?

In the first episode during the yearbook sit it...Angela puts her green turtleneck over her head and looks around the room. You get to see it through her eyes as if the sweater is over your head too as you're looking at people around the classroom...I've never seen that before in anything and it's still my favourite scene! I think it was really well done and very artistic.
I found there were a lot of artistic scenes directed in really cool ways during the show...what was your favourite?


It's been a while... but in the first episode (and it's shown in the montage during the opening every episode), there's a scene where she's outside in the rain swinging around her purse... I thought it was breathtaking.

What you /f/e/e/l/ is what you are; and what you are is {b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l.}<3


I thought in the pilot where Brian is standing across from Angela under the street light at night was just so beautiful. ilot&um=1&hl=en&safe=strict&sa=N&rlz=1R2ADBR_enAU3 32&tbm=isch&tbnid=eID-lZuCD2YT8M:&imgrefurl=http://www.dvd gurl=; amp;h=474&ei=Uu1PT_qQLeKJ4gSMprHNDQ&zoom=1&biw=1486&bi h=626&iact=rc&dur=78&sig=115720684387060072789&page=1& amp;tbnh=132&tbnw=174&start=0&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:2,s :0&tx=-224&ty=48

It was apparently paid tribute to in Jerry Maguire when Jerry and Dorothy go on their date!; um=1&hl=en&safe=strict&rlz=1R2ADBR_enAU332&tbm=isch&am p;tbnid=jHBa3s_IqaixzM:&imgrefurl= 09/08/06/the-jerry-maguire-house/&docid=AcfAvm1n2cF03M&imgurl= 7.jpg&w=1077&h=585&ei=8e1PT8aWDs-N4gTM4eisDQ&zoom=1&am p;biw=1486&bih=626&iact=rc&dur=219&sig=115720684387060 072789&page=1&tbnh=129&tbnw=218&start=0&ndsp=22&am p;ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0&tx=129&ty=81



^^^That's the scene I was talking about!

What you /f/e/e/l/ is what you are; and what you are is {b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l.}<3


I Also loved that scene, beautifully done...but the only bad thing is, as it sucks you into that scene...a cars red back lights turn on in the distance and ruins it for me! It's such a nice scene and you feel like no one else exists but Angela and Brian until that happens...I always wondered if it was on purpose or by accident!


I cannot see a streetlight in a suburban neighborhood at night without thinking of that scene. It's burned into my memory. Also the last scene in the last episode, though it's not as visually pretty and evocative as the scene from the pilot.

I'll bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.



"It was apparently paid tribute to in Jerry Maguire when Jerry and Dorothy go on their date!"

Given that MSCL was released 2 full years before JM (1994 vs 1996), it would seem that Jerry Maguire was paying tribute to My So Called Life, rather than the other way around. One more example of how ground breaking and influential MSCL was.


CCRider, that's exactly what the poster said. It was paid tribute to. Meaning Jerry Maguire paid tribute to (it).

Compelling.Brilliant.Beautifully acted.


My favourite scene is in episode 2 when Angela talks about her first 3 kisses. The way they meld into each other is done beautifully!


^ this.

im on episode 16, but this was the first thought i had. I really liked the transition in the hallway with the lifeguard carrying Angela, kissing her, and then her sihloutte bringing us back to the then-present day.
It looked nice and intricate, executed perfectly.


My favourite scene is in episode 2 when Angela talks about her first 3 kisses. The way they meld into each other is done beautifully!


I tell you what.
