Questions for fans

1. Which was the first episode you remember seeing?

2. Which character do you HATE and which do you like?

3. Do you have a favorite episode?

here are mine...
1. Mine was when they went into Ralphie's body (when he was sick).

2. I HATE Keesha, but I love Tim, Wanda, and Phoebe.

3. My favs are the one where they go into space and into the bakery!!
Also feel free to answer my sig question. ;)

"I dunno who ever said the flesh was weak; I find it very strong!"
r U a Harry/Ginny supporter?



Wow, LOL I never thought of Luna and Harry; that's a good one! I thought she'd be nice for Neville!

I love that desert episode with Phoebs, it was so sweet how she wanted to save all the animals! But I never did care for Arnold..

"I dunno who ever said the flesh was weak; I find it very strong!"
Are YOU a H/G supporter?




1. Either "Get's Lost In Space" or "For Lunch". Whichever one, it was during the summer of 1995 just before I went in 3rd grade.

2. Hate? Oh, that's easy- Wanda. She's too annoying. I like Keesha for her quick tongue. She's probably one of my favorites.

3. Totally- "The Busasaurus" and "Get's Lost In Space". "Goes Cellular" was another good one.


1. I think it was either Lost in Space or the one where they go inside Arnold.

2. Hated Janet. Loved them all, actually, though Wanda did annoy me a tiny bit.

3. The one about stars and the Valentine one--Ms. Frizzle has the BEST house and I loved the part when Wanda asked the Cupid statue for a chocolate and it NODDED. O_o

Harry and Ginny or Hermione and Ginny? Haha, just kidding. I guess Harry and Ginny is okay, it just hasn't been talked about or worked on in the books as much as (wahoo!) Ron/Hermione!


My favorite episode is when they all go swimming at the beach

I hate Janet and Wanda But i like Ralphie, Keisha , D.A , Tim and the rest.


1. The first episode?? hmm...that was some ten eight years ago....might have been the bakery one.

2. I think I really HATE Phoebe because she is much too whiney and annoying. My favorite is Ms. Frizzle, because there is no bus without her! I also liked Carlos...he's hilarious.

3. I like all the episodes, they rock my sox!



Oh fun!


1) Fisrt Epsiode I remember seeing was the one when they went to the bakery and got baked into the cake!

2)I HATE Arnold and his cousin, also Ralphie I love Carlos, Pheobe, and Tim (I really wish they gave him more of a chance)

3)I love the episode when they go into space, but also the one when they go back in time to the dinosaurs, and when they are in the rotting log!

*Bella! Herman!*


1. Probably the episode where they enter into the volcano.

2. I liked Arnold, but everybody of course had moments. Though I do believe I disliked Ralphie a lot due to his I can do anything attitude.

3. Practically all of them -- this show rocked.
