Arnold and Janet

Am I the only one who found Arnold and his cousin Janet annoying? Arnold only bitches and moans about how he wishes he stayed home. Why doesn't he transfer to another school? And Janet, my God, I found her to be unbearable. Her voice was annoying and she was a stuck up skank and I so wanted to give her the slap she deserved. While we're talking about annoying, did anyone else think DA and Carlos were unbearable? Carlos cracks unfunny jokes every 5 seconds and DA always says "According to my research" every 20 seconds. Anyone else think this way?


Pheobe was a lesbian retard.

ET 2: The Invasion Force Arrives


I always thought Wanda was the bigger lesbian.


Yeah, I can see Wanda being a lesbian.

Triva note: Arnold and Janet look so much alike because their mothers are twins. If you look at the last page of "Lost in the Solar System", you can see both Arnold and Janet's mothers. Except for their clothes and glasses, they're identical.

"Al Gore attacks with the agility of a pregnant cow!"


yes it was easier to see Wanda as a lesbian, because she wasn't as afraid to show it.
Pheobe saw it as something to be ashamed of, so she kept it in and tried her best to be girly.

which made her a lesbian AND a retard.

ET 2: The Invasion Force Arrives


I think Phoebe secretly had a crush on Dorothy Ann, but she used Arnold as her hetero scape goat.



DUH! And that makes her a lesbian.
Yeah, I can see Wanda being one, she has the stereotypical butch thing down. And I'm not a lesbian hater by the way



Umm...go ask your parents.

R.I.P Marissa Cooper (1988-2006)

In Omnía Paratus



girl who likes other girls = lebian



Tottaly in love


This is a kids show! Give it a rest! If you want to talk about cartoon characters being your opinions on a different show. I was so disgusted that someone would say such a thing on this board. This show is meant for kids, i don't think they would have a female characted "inlove" with another female character that's more like Degrassi: The next generation.

Sorry, if anybody was just stating my opinions..and you are allowed to state your opinions...but it's a kid show. So i don't think the animators--or whoever created the show would have a female inlove with another female character.


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but why are kids on an Internet message board unsupervised? Kids' parents should be deciding on what's appropriate for them to see/read. If somebody wants to talk about characters being lesbians, let them. Parents should be supervising their kids and deciding whether they want them learning certain things. My point: some people think homosexuality is perfectly appropriate to talk about in front of kids and some don't, so let the individual parents decide what they want their kids to know.

And to the 11 year-old poster (sorry, I forget your name), be very careful online. The Internet is a big and dangerous place. Don't trust anyone. I'm sure you've heard this before, but it never hurts to hear it again.

Lastly, as for cartoon characters and sexuality, Batwoman's a lesbian. The animators thought that that series, which is also for kids, would benefit from having a homosexual character. (I'm not saying that Phoebe and Wanda are lesbians, they'd be too young to know if they were. I'm just saying that there are characters geared towards kids who were intended to be homosexual.)

"Forget regret, or life is yours to miss." -Jonathan Larson





If you're that annoyed, just don't watch the show! And the same goes for all those 'lesbian' talkers out there - if ya wanna talk about things that are obviously not happenin' in the show, then go and write a fanfic about it. In my opinion, there was nothing wrong with Arnold - sure, he's a nerd, but a nice, courageous nerd, which doesn't really make him much of a nerd anyway. Janet - yes, she's annoying, but she's supposed to be; plus, she does have some sense to her, which she probably got from Arnold. And you're exaggerating with how many times Carlos and DA said their catchphrases... I love them, along with everybody else in the show! You seem to have a lot to complain about, dude! What, next, how Frizzle is too eccentric for you? If you don't like the uniqueness in each and every person in this masterpiece of a show then don't bloody well complain, it's your own bloody fault you're annoyed! What's the show gonna do about it? Nothing, so quit it!!!!


I agree. If you don't like the show, don't post!


Someone has their panties in a bunch.


Janet was sooo annoying.

"We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are." --Anais Nin

