I couldn't even watch without fast-fowarding and believe me I was done with the movie in less than 5 mins. Book 1 and 2 were BRILLIANT!!! This garbage...NOT. I have to say this:
1. What is up with all the new characters...ughh.
2. Who is Cooper?!?!
3. What is up with killing off Constance and Orry?
4. Where is my Billy and Brett dammit=(?
5. I'm really supposed to believe that George and Madeline are suddenly in love when they didn't really interact that much in the previous books...puleeze!
6. Also, we get ANOTHER Isabelle...I didn't mind Mary but this one was wasn't doing it for me.
7. Wow you can really survive a huge explosion like that? Bent is superman.
8. I guess most of the characters in the previous books disappeared.
9. It looked so cheap compared to the previous=(.
I came to this conclusion:
Positive: There is only ONE thing I can say I loved which was Stanley finally growing a pair and kicking Isabelle out.
Negative: 99% of the movie. They should have left it alone...
I'm soooooo disappointed=(. Ok rant over lol.