Why o Why

Why did the use Kyle Chandler as Charles? He didnt portray Charles as the wartorn man he was

Bent was the upside in the whole series, he acted the way he did in the books, atleast one of the actors had read the books

And why did the writers have George and Madelene making out so early and not in the end like in book 3


Well the Actor who played Charlie Main in Books One and Two Lewis Smith was very busy filming another movie act this time and he could not be used. I know Lewis and I asked him that myself.

Lewis was a better Charlie anyway since he is from the south he didn't have to have a fake accent.


Lewis Smith was a wonderful Charles Main, He really captured the Charles from the books. I wish he had been in Book III.


omg you really know lewis smith? that's AWESOME. i would die. charles main is the best. so is billy hazard.

Yeah I know. You cannot replace Lewis. He will forever remain Charles Main.

"Just remember, you're my friend and I love you." +Billy Hazard


Actually, Kyle Chandler, after being unfairly compared with Lewis Smith, finally made his mark two years after North and South Book 3. That's when "Early Edition" debuted on TV.


I never felt that Smith was right for Charles. I didn't care for his acting style, either. but I do think the production of Book II did a decent job of portraying Charles as one who loses so much much of his "heart and soul" due to the war. The makers of Book III chose not to portray that at all, and recast a younger actor. That was a poor choice, but hardly Chandler's fault.

And I still never quite warmed to Smith's portrayal anyhow.

