Bent + Ashton = Boring Storylines
So once you get past the fact that Charles is going to be called "Charlie" now and has a son that actually ages while Orry's son doesn't, pt. III wasn't as bad as I was expecting. Sure, it wasn't anywhere near as good as the first two series but it beats the heck out of anything else on tv these days.
ITA... far too many plot holes and WTFs.
It was as if whoever wrote the pt. III script was not in the least familiar with the storyline.
Robert Wagner was AGONIZING and looked like his beard was on too tight and he couldn't open his mouth to speak. By the end, it looked like his mustache was sliding down his lip.
I was totally bored with both the Bent and Ashton storylines. I could not have cared less about either of these characters and it looked as tho they were making up their stories as they went along. Never cared for their characters in the first two series either... their constant mean streaks and desire for revenge and destruction quickly grew tiring and obnoxious. Please....
"No wonder we often know how to make a watch, but we don't know the time of day." -- H.P. Walker