Underrated episodes?
Hey guys. We´ve all seen the popular favourite episodes that make best of lists like TOW the embryos, TOW everybody finds out, and a bunch of the thanksgiving episodes. My question is which are some of your favourite episodes that don´t get the love they deserve and why? I´ll get things going.
1. S3E17 TOW without the ski trip. This is an episode that just falls below top tier episodes but is still really funny. I love this episode because of the dynamic between Rachel and Ross post break-up. Chandler being his sarcastic best while the group gives him a hard time over smoking. This is also a rare episode that mostly takes place outside of the usual places and was directed by TV genius Sam Simon, co-creator of the Simpsons.
2. S6E6 TO on the last night. For those that don´t remember, its the one before Chandler moves into Monica´s and where he invents "Cups" after losing the infamous foosball game to Joey. This is like an end of an era episode but one of the best Joey/Chandler episodes. One of the few sentimental episodes that still manages to be funny.
3. S4E1 TOW the jellyfish. Yes I´m cheating a bit here, this episode is pretty well regarded but I felt like it deserved inclusion since its not mentioned all that much. This one has Rachel´s 18 page letter (front and back) and all of Ross´s hilarious reactions to it, Monica getting stung and Ross and Rachel´s 2nd break-up and of course "We were on a break!"
4. S2E22 TOW the two parties. I had forgotten about this one, and its generally a well-rated episode but one that doesn´t get the recognition it deserves, definitely one of the funniest in the series.