MovieChat Forums > Ellen (1994) Discussion > This show sucked!!!

This show sucked!!!

Ellen DeGeneres has a decent talk show and, IMHO, is as great stand up comic, but this show sucked from day one. It was never funny. They used the coming out of closet storyline to drastically boost ratings, once that happened, there was no where to go, and the show bombed.


then wats the point coming on the message board if you hate it then


You're not allowed to give your opinion?



I thought it was sort of funny. I laughed out loud several times. But I see where you're coming from. I thought it was much funnier before she came out. I don't really have a problem with it, but everyone started freaking out and it stopped being watched.


I agree with mjp36 ... I don't consider this an opinion either. You don't have to be rude about it. If I don't like something, I just leave it at that. I don't leave comments on websites to make people feel bad about the show or any other show for that matter.... I have one word for you, 'Immature'


yeah if it sucked from day one then why did you watch day two? LOL You have a right to your opinion. I thought it was hilarious. Yeah it kinda sucked near the end but i didn't care. I just wanted to support her. She did a very brave thing and changed alot of peoples lives for the better. I think the talk show is a million times better than those t.v. series. At least this way you can see the real Ellen and not a character


I live in england and we dont get the talk show on our screens however I did love the show I think its harsh to say that it sucked, I think its great and I do love her stand up stuff


You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but I thought this show was really funny. I do agree though that Ellen coming out was the shark-jumping moment for the show and they really didn't know what to do with the character after that. Actually, what the problem was that the show became all about that. If they had kept the character of Ellen owning the bookstore and kept putting her in those odd, Lucy Ricardo-type situations, I think the show could have run a couple more years.


This show was great!

"If they had kept the character of Ellen owning the bookstore and kept putting her in those odd, Lucy Ricardo-type situations, I think the show could have run a couple more years."

I agree!
