Top 5:
1- Mark! Mark Mark Mark. My love. Wonderful, lovely, just-want-to-pinch-his-cheeks Mark.
2- Susan. She had some of the best one-liners ("hey Abby look, Doc Magoos is on fire")
3- Carter. He was just consistently good right til the end, and oh-so dishy with his beard.
4- Abby. She may have been a bit of a drag at times but she was involved in some good storylines and had her funny moments.
5- Romano. He was such a *beep* but little things like signing at Reece, loving Elizabeth etc.
Shout outs to Elizabeth, Chuny, Carol and Benton.
Bottom 5:
1- Frank. He just always annoyed me, so rude and obnoxious.
2- JingMei/Deb. WHAT A DRAG.
3- Kovac. He was just such a downer. He even had his own downer theme music for a bit.
4- Ray. The "rock star" because he had painted nails and was in a band. Just *beep*
5- Rachel Greene/Jen Greene. Why would someone as lovely and perfect as Mark have such venomous women in his life? Especially Rachel, idc if you're a moody teen when your lovely devoted father, who chose you EVEN WHEN YOU NEARLY KILLED HIS NEW BABY AND DESTROYED HIS MARRIAGE, takes you on a trip to Hawaii where he plans to DIE. You BE NICE. Twat. Ugh.