Registration number of Ray's car (license plate)
Given that Ray's car was destroyed, is it me or did his reg number stay the same?
shareGiven that Ray's car was destroyed, is it me or did his reg number stay the same?
shareHis car was actually blown up twice and given that he was always going on and on about it being one of a kind they must have fixed it and thus it would still have the same license plate.
shareand it set on fire when Kowalski had it, too. But it didn't come back then :(
I always wondered - considering it was rare, and it got shot at, broken/damaged and blown up on multiple occasions - how much his insurance cost him...
"The morphine is making me philosophical" ~ Dr. Ian Malcolm
re: his insurance - if it is anything like in canada with private insurance used on a personal vehicle for the purposes of your employment ie police or inspectors or especially delivery (some rural postal is done frome personel vehicles) you need a rider and all costs of extra insurance are paid by the employer.
My biggest question would be where did they find anyone capable of carrying out these extensive repairs in such a short time..
I know - - they had an extremely good body shop that kept gallons (sorry ltrs.) of his colour in stock - kept a couple of windshields in stock and various small items like rearview mirrors and bumpers instock and also had a very understanding insurance company that kept a spare identical vehicle in reserve to replace his when parts and labor would take more than 1 weeks production time. After all the Dukes went through 18 individual cars in the production of their series and they had a production garage trying to keep one running at any given time. Must have been insane...
After the first one blew up, he saw another one driving down the street with a for sale sign (at the end of the 'Wild Bunch'-Dief almost gets put to sleep- episode). As for the second time, I believe it just got repaired on 'One Good Man', but I don't think they really stated it outright. But I haven't seen that episode in quite some time so I could stand to be corrected on this.
They don't explain the license plate issue, and as well they shouldn't. I'd much prefer an explanation as to why they started using the same background musical scores over and over. Case in point: the music from 'Wild Bunch'-early sequence when Dief was running with the other dogs- was reused in 'White Men Shouldn't Jump to Conclusions'-Ray chases shooter, Fraser attends to shootee-sequence. Also some music from the Mark Ruffalo's baby episode also found its way into 'White Men Shouldn't..". Ah but perhaps this is an issue for another thread.