End of the Pilot

This may be spoiling so be aware!

Does anyone remember at the airport Fraser lends some guy 100 bucks, and you think "man he will never see that money back" and then at the very end the guy comes back with the 100? That was really good, I liked that part.


yes & ‘restores our faith in human nature’ – but also, both Fraser and Vecchio talk about ‘hunches’ , and this probably one example, Fraser’s instinct told him that that guy was believable – compared to 1000s of panhandlers out there with unlikely stories -- and he was proved right; ties in with a detective’s knack, in crime solving, to distinguish between fake and genuine. [and by-the-way the actor’s name ("airport hustler") is Jack Nicholsen. no not the Jack Nicholson we ‘know & love’!]
