I watched Due South when I was a kid, at least 12 years ago. The detail that stuck in my mind was, believe it or not, Diefenbaker.
Seeing that beautiful white dog on the show was the highlight of my week back then (I was too young to notice that Paul Gross looks incredibly cute in red serge^^. ). So, up to now, I always remembered DS as "that show with the beautiful dog and some red guy". I've always been fond of wolves and Dief was the next best thing, so he stuck.
Of course I grabbed the opportunity when I saw a full dvd set in store a few months ago. I immediately watched all 4 season twice in a row. It was awesome. Seeing the whole thing in English was a special treat, since Fraser's German syncronised voice really sucked, in retrospect.
DS has not seen a rerun on German or Austrian TV in more than 10 years, so I am surprised that it was aired in my country, Austria, at all. Many great shows never make it to Austrian TV, so I guess I was extremely lucky :-)
Of course, now the show is much more than "that show with the dog". It opened my eyes to lots of great Canadian artists and movies. My next trip is definitely going to be to Canada!