Chicago Holiday, Part 2 end scene
In the end scene, when Janice has her gun trained on Fraser, and he is telling Christina to run (Ray is stuck in the chute)...
When Fraser is pointing out the facts to Janice about her gun, he is, in fact, wrong.
While she does shoot at him 6 times in the incinerator room, if you listen and watch carefully, she only shoots at him 6, not 7 times, in the corridor, totaling 12 shots, not 13, of the 15 shots in the chamber of her Baretta.
Therefore, Janice would have 3 shots, not 1, remaining in the chamber, leaving her 1 bullet each with which to shoot both Fraser and Christina, at least injuring, if not killing, one or the other.
Writing this as I watch the episode. I thought perhaps I was wrong, so I watched this sequence again twice. Then I thought, maybe it's an audio/visual error, where Janice shoots (and we see the gun go off), but we don't hear the gun discharge. But nope. So this is a producer error where Fraser most certainly would have been dead. Luckily, nobody caught it. ;)