robert yeats

could anyone give me any information on the character of bobby yeats, such as age job and why he left?


i was bored and went googling for you. heres what i found

Dr. Robert Yeats
family: twin brother, a mountain climber that was last seen in 1992
religion: Buddist
school: Harvard
Studied piano as a child. Bobby also severed his finger when he was a child. Likes boxing, funk yoga and bullfighting.

in an episode a few days ago, yeats was talking to mcneil about his background, and i think i remember him saying his brother, tho missing, was still alive cos he could feel his presence with them being twins and all. oh and today he made jack eat vegetarian like he was.(part of the buddhist thing)

cant think of anything else right about now.

oh and i realised where i knew eric stoltz from, he was in little women. it was bugging me for ages lol

Phillip: What's wrong with Jeffrey?
Aaron: He's having his period.


He also had a fling with Kate Austin and sort of with Lisa Catera which put him on Jack's bad side.
