Its on t.v.

Its coming on today at 12:00 on lifetime ch.42



Sean192 wrote: i kno but i only saw the beggining i wonder if they'll ever play it again

I didn't realize it was a made for TV movie until reading that here - I have caught it on cable several times (Cinemax, Mystery) all without commercials. I liked it so much and since I collect movies and have the original, I did find When A Stranger Calls Back on VHS on ebay. I watch it all the time! I'm sure you can find it out there, uninterrupted. Good luck!


its on at 9:00 pm tonight.


it's on right know.

KEVIN:I said watch the boxes!
IAN:Why? What for? Their not doing anything.



me 2.

KEVIN:I said watch the boxes!
IAN:Why? What for? Their not doing anything.

