A similar thing happened to me.

When I was little I walked into a friends house and I heard a voice coming from the room but there was no one in the room. It was empty. I looked around and tried to find it, but there was noone there that I could see. It talked to me and of course scared the hell outta me. This movie gave me a new idea as to what that could have been! I've always assumed it was a ghost. Another time I saw it on the stairs..I looked up the stairway and there it was.

I watched this last night, I had no idea it was gonna be so scary. Very creepy. It reminded me of Jack the Ripper's story. That story gives me the creeps too. They never caught him.


are you saying you saw a ghost on the stairs? Tell us more!
And, the Jack the Ripper case DID happen, but it was over 100 years ago in London, so don't worry, he's dead! And these Stranger films are based on 'Urban legend'.
Another similar film I feel is even better than these 'Stranger' movies is 'Black Christmas' - type that into this site under movies and read the review - it's SO spooky and is still available now on DVD!

"The Film in which you are about to see is an account of a tragedy that befell a group of 5 youths"


I actually saw a ghost on the stairs at a friends house, Yes, and it spoke to me one time. It was a man I assume, because the voice was male, and it sounded like an older man, around the age of 40. My friend and I were outside playing, and her sister had told me to go in and get a drink out of the kitchen, for her, when I walked in ..I got half way through the living room, and that's when it spoke to me. I stopped of course, startled..and tried to find it in the room, I couldn't find it, well after I heard it..I turned around and walked back out..I never got her drink. Then the second time we were all in the living room one night playing around, but I was standing at the bottom of the staircase, well I sort of felt like there was someone behind me, so I turned around and there a black figure, in the shape of a man, but completely opague walking up the stairs. It's back was to me, so it had been standing there behind me for lord knows how long. I just saw it, and moved away from the stairs. No one else did, but it scared me.

Freaky huh??

Oh and I know Jack the Ripper was true, that's why I said it was scary...and yes it was in London, and he's dead now, but that whole story about him and the way he killed people was so weird, almost otherworldly.



That happened to me, too, and I was with my Mom and she heard it, too. We had just come back from a trip to California for Christmas and New Year's and I was 13. We were standing in the kitchen right at the door to the living room, having set down our suitcases, and the house was really still the way it is when you come back from a long trip. My mom was trying to find a phone number in her address book, so she asked me to be quiet. While we were standing there silently a male voice suddenly spoke to us from the living room. It was weird because the voice was near but it also didn't sound like it came from any particular place in the living room. There was clearly no one at all in the living room. My mom and I froze and stared at each other for 3 seconds, then she said, "Did you hear what I just heard?" I said, "Yes" and told her the sentence I had heard. She said, "That's exactly what I heard." She spent around 15 minutes searching the house to make sure no one was actually there, but I knew she wouldn't find anyone.


that is really creepy.


Yeah, I still have nightmares that I am back in that house and there is an evil presence there. Around twice a year I dream that I am at that house and I know there is a body buried in a particular place in the yard that in real life was paved over to make a guest parking space. I haven't lived there for 20 years.


What was the sentence?


Yes, what did he say?
