what happened to jill's family?

just saw when a stranger calls back - had awaited it with great anticipation as the original truly terrified me, more than any film ever has (and im quite acclimatised to horror now) lol put me off babysitting for life!

wasn't too impressed with the sequel, found too much disbelief needed suspending as opposed to the original, but never mind - just wanted to know, does when a stranger calls back offer any explanation as to where jill's husband and chidren are? or why she has reverted back to her maiden name? i didn't think curt duncan had killed her family at the end of the first one - i just thought her husband was injured, and her kids had those mysterious sweets. don't tell me he poisoned them?? did i miss a significant bit that explained all this?



I just watched the movie again with my little sister, and she asked me the same question. Unfortunately, I can't think of anything that indicates what might have happened to Jill's family. My guess is that what happened to Jill at the end of 'When a Stranger Calls' perhaps traumatized her even further and she may have had a mental breakdown. Maybe her husband got fed up with her paranoia and decided to leave her. Maybe he got full custody of the kids because of her mental state. Maybe her kids were away at a boarding school or something. Maybe her husband died. It seemed to me that the story was meant to be written this way to force Jill to live alone and to have only herself to rely on. It might be lazy writing or possibly a plot device to keep us guessing. It was important to the plot of this movie that Jill be single. In the first movie, she has her husband for protection (at the end). In this movie, she's on her own. Her work is her whole life in this movie, something that isn't possible if she has a husband and children. That's just my take on the situation. It was left very open-ended, so I just make up my own conclusions.

How many more lives? You want another life? Then take ME!
-Reverend Scott, The Poseidon Adventure
