MovieChat Forums > What's Love Got to Do with It (1993) Discussion > Spanking is what turns men abusive

Spanking is what turns men abusive

Because spanking just teaches a child how to hit, and the way to correct a situation is to either hit it or force it to change.

"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life."-Brooke Shields


Please stfu. I was spanked and I'm not an abusive person. My other half was spanked and he's not abusive either. And btw, there's a huge difference between a spanking and outright abuse.

"The earth is my body. My head is in the stars."


Yeah we're fine but some people (Ike) are not able to just let things, bottle up anger and hatred over the years and unleash on whoever shows slight weakness for a second.

"If you don't stand up for something, you'll fall for anything."


Then stop making sweeping generalizations. Many people were spanked as children and turned out just fine. Others were spanked (more probably, just outright beaten, and not spanked in simple discipline) and obviously have problems because of it.

However, children need discipline. That is a fact. No, I don't condone abuse, but I fully condone spanking. Children also need to learn the word "no," and I mean aside from when THEY say it.


Thank you! I got spanked,my brothers, sisters and cousins did too. None of us are abusive. We show and demand respect from others. Give respect and you will be respected. It all starts at home. I know people that didn't get disciplined or spanked and they are always into something, fighting, being loud and disrespectful, unable to keep a job because they have no respect and no self discipline. If you start early enough when you know children know better, trust me, you won't have to do it but 2 or 3 times the right way, after that your word or perhaps a stern look into their eyes will suffice. An equal amount of love will balance the the situation. Spare the rod, spoil the child.


Yeah, snorting cocaine probably had more to do with it.


Go tell that to just about every creature in nature.
Most animals learn 'right' from 'wrong' because the 'wrong' tends to get them hurt, even if it's a nip from a parent.

The Spacehunter Forum:


Because it's effective? Kids who are hit are well behaved, and ever notice how devoted women are to abusive guys? Meanwhile the less violent men are nagged, disrespected, cheated on, and dumped


Because it's effective? Kids who are hit are well behaved

This is false, backwards nonsense with no scientific backing. Spanking is effective at moderating behavior in the short term but counterproductive in the long run. The use of corporal punishment in childhood has been linked increased aggressive behavior, impaired cognitive, emotional, and social development, stunted academic achievement, and increased vulnerability to psychiatric disorders, mental health problems, and substance abuse.

I recommend glancing through these studies:

In the meantime, I hope to god you're not a parent.

and ever notice how devoted women are to abusive guys?

Hardly devoted. More like scared of leaving. Abusive men are all about disempowering their partners by controlling their resources and social lives to keep them financially dependent and emotionally isolated. Reporting the abuse or leaving the abusive partner could prove damaging to the victim because they're biting the hand that feeds them so to speak. It has nothing to do with devotion.

Meanwhile the less violent men are nagged, disrespected, cheated on, and dumped

Speaking from experience? You poor, poor man.



Further to this... if spanking supposedly turns boys into abusive men, what does it do to girls, then?

And what about abusive women who beat their husbands? What happened there?

And what about those who cheat on their partners? What causes that?

Lastly, what about the kids who were never beaten or punished in the slightest, yet still end up complete criminal tossers? What's your insightful remark about that, then?

The Spacehunter Forum:



There's a big difference between beating a child and spanking one. And even then, you can't say that all males who were victims of physical abuse go on to become wife beaters. We all know that Joe Jackson didn't spare the rod but have you ever heard of any of the Jackson brothers beating any women? This alone would discredit your theory.


Sources say Randy use to beat his wife allegedly. I know for sure most of the brothers have cheated on their wives as their wives claimed except for Marlon. He's actually the only one who had been married to the same woman for about 40 years.


he was abusive not because he was spanked but i read that he was abused, beaten as a child and was raped.
