Hmmm not sure....

I was talking to a friend about Leo this morning because of the oscars coming up and his lack of wins etc and he Asked if I'd seen WEGGrape and I hadn't! He told me to watch it ASAP and I just did!
I know I'll be beaten down for saying this, but honestly I found the movie kinda slow. I'm not sure what I was expecting but I kept time checking and that's never a good sign for me!
I can see why people think it's beautiful, it has that simplistic air, but I was hopeful for it to excite me more. Leo was good as Arnie, but I found Gilbert very flat and I couldn't warm to him at all.
I know beauty and art is very subjective, I just don't think I 'got' this film...


Nah, you got it, just not for you. Don't let people give you crap for the films you enjoy, we all know they try.

I enjoyed the first 20 minutes thoroughly, but to me the pacing just dropped after that. Solid film, just not too much going on. I can easily see how someone wouldn't like it.

For fun, what's the most outrageous example of a film that you are on the opposite end of the spectrum as the rest of the world on? Like not enjoying Casablanca or Harry Potter, or enjoying a film everyone can't stand?
