Missing scenes?

Hey everyone!
I've got a a question regarding the cinema version of WW2. Im livin in sweden and I saw this film back in 1994 at cinema, but as I can remember there were some scenes that I've never seen on any tv-screening or the european dvd release I've got.

The scenens missing as I remember them are the following:

At the fighting scene where Wayne fights Cassandras father with the sword, there's a clip where Wayne sways his sword around himself and looks down and you can see his pants all ripped, now this is still on the dvd, but right after this Wayne says "Oh no! not my favourite jeans!" But that scene isn't on the dvd.

The next scene I remember is Wayne showing his closet, it's very nice organized with like 10 couple of exactly same ripped pants as he always wears and a just as huge collection of black t-shirts. This scene is not on the dvd either.

There might be more scenes that I don't remember, but I really wish to see the movie in it's uncut way, so If anyone knows where to get a hand on a copy please tell me,
And by the way, anyone else noticed the missing scenes?

