I quoted the hell out of this movie and the first Wayne's World with my friends all through high school. A couple of months ago I was watching the original Wayne's World with my gf who hadn't seen it. It just wasn't funny anymore to me and she was so unimpressed I knew I wouldn't be able to convince her to sit down for Wayne's World 2. Caught Wayne's World 2 on TV 2 days ago, laughed my ass off all over again.... can't believe it only has a user rating of 5.8 on imdb. I gave it 8.
Anyone else feel that the sequel is better than the original?
I'm probably the only person who agrees with you. :)
I like both films but when I think of all the funny moments and funny quotes from the two films, more of the said moments and quotes come from the second film.
I also think the main plot of the second film is better/funnier.
If anyone is unsure which film is the best, then surely the great Del Preston swings it in favour of the second film?
Same here. I think WW2 is far superior to the original.Not far off from being a comedy classic in fact. Agree about Del Preston - one of the greatest comedy film characters ever IMO.
lmao johnsilence for a second there i thought that when u said WW2 you were mocking him in saying that the movie was akin to the travesty that were the world wars
At the time my friend and I who were huge Wayne's World fans hated the sequel. At the theater we looked at each other at the end and asked "what the hell was that?" Just watched it again and it's actually quite funny. I'm not sure why I didn't like it the first time.
I like this one more than the original too. I saw both on local broadcast TVs over the air (OTA). -- Ant @ The Ant Farm (http://antfarm.ma.cx) and Ant's Quality Foraged Links (http://aqfl.net).
Ah. Is it the scene where the guy was asking about him at the unprepared concert in Aurora? -- Ant @ The Ant Farm (http://antfarm.ma.cx) and Ant's Quality Foraged Links (http://aqfl.net).
Love both films, but I'm going to give the nod to the original though that movie just has a special place in my heart but don't get me wrong, there are things I like about the second movie better such as the plot and the villain obviously Christopher Walken over Rob Lowe any day.
...there are things I like about the second movie better such as the plot and the villain obviously Christopher Walken over Rob Lowe any day. ______________ Wayne's World 2 lacks the charm or even originality of the first; but I think it has more amusing sight gags and the film appears more polished and pacier. I did feel that Walken was wasted, as opposed to Lowe in the first. He didn't really have much to do, or was given any humorous opportunities to be self-deprecating like Lowe's character was in the first. He was just the bad guy out to steal the girl again, yet was bland. Lowe was more like a parody of his earlier sex symbol self, which Walken never was. They used Kim Basinger for this role here. Schwing!
Definitely right about Wayne, he wasn't half as funny or charming as he was in the first (lick the cat's butt?) and I am so used to Walken playing funnier bad guy characters but when watching this again couldn't believe how dull he was. He had the sense of humor of a rusty butter knife.
Definitely right about Wayne, he wasn't half as funny or charming as he was in the first (lick the cat's butt?) and I am so used to Walken playing funnier bad guy characters but when watching this again couldn't believe how dull he was. He had the sense of humor of a rusty butter knife.
He was supposed to be humorless. That was the humor! For instance, he replied to the "A sphincter says what?" thing - with the WRONG ANSWER - as in, he wasn't falling for the joke - which shocked Wayne and Garth.
So, you originally thought both were funny, watched the first with a gf who didn't so you apparently found it unfunny, then watched the sequel and found the whole premise hilarious again.
I don't know...sounds to me like your new opinion of the first originated in your little head instead of the one on your shoulders. lol
The future belongs to those of us still willing to get our hands dirty. SaschaKonietzko
I agree. I rewatched both recently and the first one didn't hold up well. There are some good gags, but it labors too heavily on the plot. Plus, as much as I like Rob Lowe in dramas and dramedy (The West Wing), he's just not good in comedy. Very bad in Tommy Boy as well.
The second movie just goes for broke and is unabashedly silly and absurd. I think the success of the first movie allowed Mike Myers to just do whatever he wanted. The result is a less disciplined but far funnier and more inventive film. Plus I think the director handled comedy better than Penelope Spheeris.