Just how popular was this movie?

I'm just curious if this was like a cult hit, or if it got some sort of semi-legitimate success, or if it was like the "Deep Throat" of anime. I haven't looked too deep into this, but I've never really read anything concrete on how successful it was.



Trust me when I tell you. This is the the film that set a new standard for adult anime, and set the standard for hentai. It is often imitated, but it can never be duplicated.


I meant more like "how much money did it make?" I'm a very right brained guy and I like having number values known.



As far as money, not much. I mean enough to satisfy the production team's efforts to see that making a sequel or two would be a profitable franchise, but nothing major. It's too far outside the mainstream to be liked by any audience larger than just "cult".
