Has anyone thought about this?

I reckon that the manga company could end up suing the guy who created that Crazy Frog if they look at this movie again. Whoever it was that thought up the idea for the frog obviously ripped off this movie after taking one look at Koroko. Anyone else agree with this?


Nah, Kuroko doesn't resemble Crazy Fog to me. Crazy Frog looks like a weird frog. Kuroko doesn't look like some kind of strange frog to me. He looks like a cute little shadow demon thing. As for their voices sounding similar, I wouldn't put too much thought into that. Most characters from movies or T.V. that are tiny have squeaky voices anyway.


I think his main reasoning is probably also because they both have dangling little penises.


Not just that. Aside from the dangling penises, they both a waistcoat and little booties. The one big difference is that Kuroko isn't annoying. By the way, does anyone know what kind of creature he is, or is he classed as a Jyujinkai?


I think his race are called Kurokos or Dark Dwarves. There's just a little species that exists from the Jyujin world.
