MovieChat Forums > Chôjin densetsu Urotsukidôji (1993) Discussion > Unofficial Chronological Order (spoilers...

Unofficial Chronological Order (spoilers!)

The other day The Godfather Saga was on TV, the "Novel for Television" when they put all the scenes from the series in chronological order. So I figured I'd put together my own slapdash version with Urotsukidoji. Please let me know if I'm forgetting or overlooking anything!

1. 1922 (I think)- Suikakujyu summons the tsunami to kill the Chojin by wiping out the city (Perfect Collection disc one, part two).
2. 1944 - Muhnihausen Sr.'s Nazi Death Rape Machine Disaster (Perfect Collection disc two, part four).
3. Legend of the Overfiend (Perfect Collection disc one, part one).
4. Legend of the Overfiend (Perfect Collection disc one, part two) until the death of Nikki.
5. Legend of the Demonwomb beginning with the 199X/Muhnihausen summoning Kohoki scene and then the rest of the movie in its entirity (Hell on Earth, Legend of the Demonwomb).
6. Legend of the Overfiend (Perfect Collection, disc one, part two and three), everything after the death of Nikki, sans the scene metioned earlier.
7. Return of the Overfiend (Hell on Earth).
8. Inferno Road (Hell on Earth).

Now I know there are some continuity issues seeing how its never established exactly when Demonwomb begins and ends in the storyline. So I figured right after the death of Nikki is a good time to start Demonwomb. The relationship between Nagumo and Akemi has been established and I'll just pretend Nagumo's guilt trip in the locker room scene was because of the deaths of both Nikki and Takeaki. And before anyone reminds me, I know Nagumo doesn't remember what happened with his cousin, but hey, nobody's perfect, alright?
But did I remember everything? Are there any scenes that I'm not remembering or putting in the wrong order? Everyone's help is really appreciated!

"But, hey, that's me, I could be wrong."


I always assumed that Urotsukidoji II: Legend Of The Demon Womb takes place just shortly before Nagumo kills Nikki, like a 2 1/2 month gap. Oh, well... who knows for sure, eh? Oh and by the way, you forgot to mention this part of the timeline...

1982 - Caesar's attempt to contact the Overfiend goes horribly wrong, resulting in his daughter Alektor's death. Caesar Blames Overfiend for Alektor's death and vows to find a way to either enslave him or destroy him.

Other than that, I think that you're pretty dead on.


oh thanks! I forgot about the whole "Rise of Caesar" storyline. Thanks for calling that before I got started, it'd be a shame to have gotten halfway through only to realize I screwed up.

so heres the revised version:
1. 1922 (I think)- Suikakujyu summons the tsunami to kill the Chojin by wiping out the city (Perfect Collection disc one, part two).
2. 1944 - Muhnihausen Sr.'s Nazi Death Rape Machine Disaster (Perfect Collection disc two, part four).
3. 1982 - Caesar's Rise to Power (Hell on Earth)
4. Legend of the Overfiend (Perfect Collection disc one, part one).
5. Legend of the Overfiend (Perfect Collection disc one, part two) until the death of Nikki.
6. Legend of the Demonwomb beginning with the 199X/Muhnihausen summoning Kohoki scene and then the rest of the movie in its entirity (Hell on Earth, Legend of the Demonwomb).
7. Legend of the Overfiend (Perfect Collection, disc one, part two and three), everything after the death of Nikki, sans the scene metioned earlier.
8. The rest of Return of the Overfiend (Hell on Earth), sans Caesar's rise to power.
9. Inferno Road (Hell on Earth).

The main reason I put Demonwomb after Nikki's death was because I didn't want to throw off the continuity too much. Originally I was going to put it between parts one and two (after the hospital explosion) but the Nagumo/Akemi relationship wasn't really fully established yet. Then, I was going to put it after the castration scene, but I didn't want to have the storyline introduce Nikki, only to have him sit around and then return inexplicably. Then each place I tried to put it had a different problem. It ended up after Nikki's death mostly by default. That seemed to be the only place that there's a pause in the plot where it could fit and after the events of Demonwomb, it would only confuse Amano even more on what exactly this Overfiend is supposed to be, leading him to seek out Old Master for answers. Plus, Amano's "Hey Muhnihausen, I can't wait to see what happens next!" seemed like a good warmup for the vision of the future and the (for lack of a better term) Big Bang Apocalypse. But its a crap shoot, each possibility only presents different problems. This just seemed to be the place that gave the least amount of problems.
Thanks again. I've noticed your contributions on the other discussion boards, particularly the ones saying how smart I was. So you'd be the best person to ask about this: are the mangas worth buying? or is it one of those rare Godfather situations where the movie is much better than the source material?
Thanks for any info.

"But, hey, that's me, I could be wrong."


Thanks for the props man. I recommend the mangas but they are only good in their own way. The anime, while a brilliant piece of cinematic terrorism, doesn't quite tell the story as it should have been told. Too many details that were deemed "inconsequential" wound up being actually neccessary but it was too late to put them in the context of the story, so the film transformed into its own type of separate but similar entity. Still, if you really want the whole collection, both from the point of view of the movies and from Toshio Maeda's vision, I think that they're worth it. As an avid fan and collector myself, I like them both equally, neither one actually outdoing each other in terms of raw imagery and their visceral natures. The only thing that I think makes the film slightly superior to the manga is that the demons are far more imaginative in their appearances. Other than that, the manga is an excellent example of grotesque erotica that is often imitated, but never duplicated. If you find them, get them. And enjoy every second of them. >:^)


Thanks. I'll definitely check them out. I just didn't want to end up wasting time and money on something that was just pretty much the movie with more filler material, like with The Shining. I mean, that movie was great, but the book was mind-numbingly boring, and not even particularly scary. I mean, I understand about establishing mood and character and everything but COME ON, STEPHEN, it's been 200 pages, can we get to the damn hotel already?
Thanks again.
"But, hey, that's me, I could be wrong."


okay, one more adjustment and here's the final draft:
1. "O arrogant humanity!" opening from Legend of the Overfiend (Perfect Collection disc one, part one). This too good of an opening to not begin with it, and its pretty much a nonsequitor (sp?) and can fit anywhere in the storyline, so I figured it'd be best to keep this at the beginning.
2. 1922 (I think)- Suikakujyu summons the tsunami to kill the Chojin by wiping out the city (Perfect Collection disc one, part two).
3. 1944 - Muhnihausen Sr.'s Nazi Death Rape Machine Disaster (Perfect Collection disc two, part four).
4. 1982 - Caesar's Rise to Power (Hell on Earth)
5. Legend of the Overfiend (Perfect Collection disc one, part one).
6. Legend of the Overfiend (Perfect Collection disc one, part two) until the death of Nikki.
7. Legend of the Demonwomb beginning with the 199X/Muhnihausen summoning Kohoki scene and then the rest of the movie in its entirity (Hell on Earth, Legend of the Demonwomb).
8. Legend of the Overfiend (Perfect Collection, disc one, part two and three), everything after the death of Nikki, sans the scene metioned earlier.
9. The rest of Return of the Overfiend (Hell on Earth), sans Caesar's rise to power.
10. Inferno Road (Hell on Earth).
Okay. There. Finished.
I'll write another post afterwards to discuss the differences with this structure, for better or worse.

"But, hey, that's me, I could be wrong."


If you want, just for the sake of consistency, you may add the failed Urotsukidoji part five after Inferno Road, but you don't really have to, as it's not really canon. It was supposed to be the "true" end of the Legend of the Overfiend Saga but the production team scrapped it half-way through the production. I don't know why, but it probably had something to do with the movie being too expensive to produce. Personally, I think that's a bulls h i t excuse, but hey, whatever.

You might also wanna add the Urotsukidoji New Saga, as that's the reincarnation of the three worlds after the Inferno Road story. I guess the producers felt that this movie would be far more lucrative because it not only revamps Overfiend for the present but it's also a much cheaper production than the originals. Like I said, this is optional. You can leave it be or you can add this on, it really doesn't matter. The way you have the chronology is fine as is.


Zakennayo! I had no idea it continues on after Inferno Road. Though it IS bull*beep* that they had enough money to make "The New Saga" but not enough to finish the "True Ending." Hrmph... producers.
So is the New Saga a continuation or just a retread of the original Legend of the Overfiend movies? I've come to far to back down now, so I guess I'll end up buying them eventually. But still, the studio needs to sit everyone down and figure out what's what. If they call the last chapter "The End of the Journey," then just END the damn journey already! This is getting more irritating than the endless "final chapters" of the Friday the 13th series (how can a series have TWO friggin' last installments, only to bring it back AGAIN, and then do a spinoff?), but at least this saga is worth it.

"But, hey, that's me, I could be wrong."


Urotsukidoji New Saga is a sequel/spin-off/remake/reimagining/retelling of the original Urotsukidoji parts 1 through 4, which takes place in an all different, all new version of the Urotsukidoji Universe, the end result of the merging of the three worlds. It's kinda sorta like a part 5, but since everything is reincarnated into an updated Urotsukidoji, it's more like a new part 1.


AAAAAHHHHHHH!!! Why do they have to make everything so COMPLICATED? Those will have to be purchased upon availability. I did a bit of searching and couldn't find it anywhere, but that's fine. If it shows up, I'll buy it, if not, no big whoop. I'll concentrate on getting the mangas right now. And is the unfinished part five available at all? I'm more interested in that one than the Overfiend Redux thing. As far as the Big Ending goes, I'll just find out through the mangas. And don't give anything away, but is the Big Ending different from the end of Inferno Road (Amano wakes up on the Osaka Castle roof and sees... WHAT?!!?!?!?! Is this the power of mad regent?!), or is it just the same kinda thing but on a grander scale? Or is there a completely new chapter of the story that leads up to an entirely different finale?
Thanks for all your help on this.

"But, hey, that's me, I could be wrong."


As far as I know, the unfinished original version of part 5 is only available as a bootleg production copy of an unfinished product, but I don't even know how one could get it outside of Japan. I'm in New York City, so the odds of me aquiring it are slim to none.

The mangas are darker than the animes, so the original ending is much more grim and gritty. That's all I can tell you without spoiling it for you. But I must warn you, you may be a little bit disappointed. Then again, you may not. Just compare the differences in the movies and the books, and make your own judgements. That's really all that anyone can do, right?


Very true. I'll have to pick up those mangas and check it out. Plus, I'd like to see the whole complete saga, I hope they flesh out the "Fellowhip of the Kyo-o" characters from Inferno Road. I mean, they spent a lot of time on Buju and even D-9, but they could have told us a bit more about the rest of the team. But hey, considering I couldn't even begin to think up something of this scale, I should keep my whining to a minimum. "Write your own apocalypitic saga full of graphic sexual violence then!" I can almost hear the author scream at me in Japanese!

and one more quick adjustment (a new chapter 4, which completely slipped my mind until yesterday) and NOW the list is complete:

1. "O arrogant humanity!" opening from Legend of the Overfiend (Perfect Collection disc one, part one).
2. 1922 (I think)- Suikakujyu summons the tsunami to kill the Chojin by wiping out the city (Perfect Collection disc one, part two).
3. 1944 - Muhnihausen Sr.'s Nazi Death Rape Machine Disaster (Perfect Collection disc two, part four).
4. 194X (possibly 195X) - Muhnihausen Jr.'s Wonder Years. (though this happens after the 1944 debacle, anyone else notice how Muhnihausen looks a lot YOUNGER? Watch it, animators, we let the fact that he found the exact same women for the Death Rape Machine fifty years later slide. Don't screw with us too much!)
5. 1982 - Caesar's Rise to Power (Hell on Earth)
6. Legend of the Overfiend (Perfect Collection disc one, part one).
7. Legend of the Overfiend (Perfect Collection disc one, part two) until the death of Nikki.
8. Legend of the Demonwomb beginning with the 199X/Muhnihausen summoning Kohoki scene and then the rest of the movie in its entirity (Hell on Earth, Legend of the Demonwomb).
9. Legend of the Overfiend (Perfect Collection, disc one, part two and three), everything after the death of Nikki, sans the scene metioned earlier.
10. The rest of Return of the Overfiend (Hell on Earth), sans Caesar's rise to power.
11. Inferno Road (Hell on Earth).
And I do believe, that's EVERYTHING!

"But, hey, that's me, I could be wrong."


The flashback that shows a young Myunni Hausen summoning Kohoki for the first time is definitely in 1944. It's just shortly after the destruction of Hitler's Berlin castle. He's in a prep school for the Hitler Youth. Myunni Hausen the 2nd is about 17 years old. But aside from that, yeah, you nailed the entire timeline in a nutshell.


One last thing and i promise this is it. Shortly after part four they releases Urotsukidoji Version 2. They edited down demon womb, return of the overfiend,and part four into a 2 hour film. Here's the kicker

They created a different ending in which a battle led by Buju gains acecess into osaka catle. In the castle Hime and Chojin have sex. When chojin Orgasims he Turns red and becomes a demon and reveals himself to be the true mad regent. When this happens a vortex appears in the sky and the true overfiend appers in a ship. This cliff hanger leads into the unfinished part five. Urotsukidoji version 2 was realeased in japan in 1995 about 6 months before part 5 debuted.


Wait, wasn't Hime the Chojin's daughter? Nasty, dude! Even for Urotsukidoji! I hope I remembering it wrong. I nearly lost my lunch when Caesar raped Elektor, I don't wanna see the pseudo-good guys do such things! I think I prefer the one-drop mouth-plop ending better.
But, I tracked down New Saga and the mangas. I'm not going to write the list AGAIN and waste everyone's time, so just add on "Finale from the Manga" and then New Saga at the end of the list...
and if Megumi isn't in New Saga, I'm gonna SNAP! What the hell's the point if my beloved panty-flashing superslut is cut out?

"But, hey, that's me, I could be wrong."


Hime is not the Chojin's daughter. Hime was just an unforeseen variable that f---ed up everyone's idea about the Chojin and the Evil King. Due to her existence, she became the enigmatic contradiction to the Osaka Chojin and the Overfiend. At least, that's how the American version of the story goes. Central Park Media and Anime 18 obviously just didn't know where they were going with this, as they were just pulling s h i t out of there ass with part 4. They left so many loose ends and contradicted the original version of the Overfiend mythos so much, just for the sake of continuing the series in order to milk cash as much as possible, althewhile ruining the series, that they had no choice but to remake the series in order to retcon all of their mistakes in the s h i t t y and inconsistent storytelling.

I'm guessing the real reason why they cancelled the original part 5(as opposed to their bulls h i t "official" reason) was because the story must have jumped the shark so badly that the creator Toshio Maeda must have gotten so pissed off that he probably refused to have any part in it on account of how much the writers had bastardized his story. Hime getting f---ed by the Overfiend must have been a last ditch attempt at stupid and idiotic shock value on the part of the producers. There really wasn't anything left to tell, so they figured something like, "Let's have Overfiend f--- Hime and then cause the Overfiend to become a hermaphrodite with an advanced, alien interstellar ship. Yeah! That's the ticket!" *rolls eyes* I hope someone caught a clue and fired those hacks. >:^(

I'm really glad that that version of the story was abandoned in favor of a modernized revamp. By the way, is there any way for an American guy from New York City like me to get the incomplete Urotsukidoji part 5, including the Urotsukidoji with the original ending that leads into introducing the cancelled part 5? I just wanna get it because I'm a serious collector and fan, and I just need it for consistency in having a complete collection. I know that I'll probably hate the story, but whatever, right? :^/ Also, in regards to the sex scene between Overfiend and Hime, was it him f---ing Hime as a girl or did Hime become an adult? I hope she did become fully grown because if not, then I can understand why it never would be allowed in the U.S.A. because that's just nasty.


Now I'm really glad I hunted down the mangas. If the movies get that far off the beaten path, I'd rather just go to the source material. So I'll just get through the books and figure out where the movies' rambling starts. Then when I watch the chronological order version, I'll just go to the manga for the "official ending", then pick up with the New Saga. Producers and studios can be so *beep* frustrating. On one hand, they keep trying to cut corners to lower the cost of the movies, and on the other hand, they're willing to keep pushing the series even though it gets so far off the source material it ends up *beep* everything up. If its not one extreme, its the other, and its the creative team and the fans who get screwed by it.
Didn't all studios around the world learn their lesson from Godfather III? Obviously not.

"But, hey, that's me, I could be wrong."


Yep. Ain't that the truth. ;^)


I wonder if Urotsukidoji II is set *after* Urotsukidoji IV's original ending. Remember in the Perfect Collection, Chojin says he will restore the worlds to order and also give back Nagumo & Akemi's humanity. Therefore, Urotsukidoji II could be set after all this has happened.


Based on the assumption that the writers were going for what was stated as canon in the original plot, you're assumption could very well be correct. However, I feel that the writers from part three and four had less respect for the original Toshio Maeda adult manga-based source material than the fans and the writers from Urotsukidoji Perfect Collection did, as it was clearly obvious that they were just running out of good ideas and just trying to milk the cash cow as much as possible before the whole thing just ran out of steam. Once they jumped the shark with the blatant continuity errors and that Independence Day-esque alien mothership that they just pulled out of their collective, overrated hack asses, I gave up all hope. I'm just glad the Urotsukidoji New Saga eliminated that preliminary bulls h i t part five and just rebooted everything with a new beginning a la DC Comics' Crisis On Infinite Earths. At least now it can go into a whole new direction without sullying Toshio Maeda's classic erotic grotesque manga any further. So while you're theory from a logical standpoint may be correct, I no longer base any of the writing of Urotsukidoji as stable, as nothing in its franchise is in fact linear.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't think Udoji II was written that way, it was obviously to set-up Udoji III, but yeah the theory works.

Udoji V had potential, I feel. The animation was choppy, but the story and designs were more reminiscent of the original story. Amano is once again betrayed by the god, and declares himself Chojin's enemy. I would have liked to known how they were going to continue the series. Would Chojin's legend finally be defeated?


Oh, to answer your question:

'Also, in regards to the sex scene between Overfiend and Hime, was it him f---ing Hime as a girl or did Hime become an adult?'

Hime reaches puberty and begins having sex with the more muscular Chojin, who she addresses as 'niisan' (brother). A little way in, Chojin starts growling and grows long red hair before eventually mutating into the Makai King. He tentacles rapes her in the usual orifices and provides his exposition. However, there is one brief segment where the rape pauses as Hime reverts to a child in order to deter the Makai King with her innocence (my theory), but she resumes pubescence as his assault continues. Then after awhile Hime's light shines and she seems to age slightly. Her breasts enlarge and she begins to play with the Makai King (poetic justice). She makes him orgasm before annihilating him and releasing her light upon the world (repeat of the original ending). Amano then awakens back in the destroyed Osaka and sees the castle still gleaming with Chojin's light. The cue for Urotsukidoji V.


Ah, I see. Still, what with the animated "child porn" aspects to it, it's kind of gross, and I'm sure that had something to do with it not being released in the U.S.A. and the obvious changes in the story. It sounds dumb anyway. She calls him brother? Retarded, lol! I'm glad that they changed it around to the final version that was the released movie. It's just better all around. Not that the released version was a great work of intelligence, it's just that it's better because it's just easier to follow and more linear. Ha, ha! Well, as linear as it can possibly be. Which we all know isn't much. *rolls eyes*


I don't think it was released in the US because this alternate ending is to set-up Udoji V, which as we know was binned anyway.


So all's well that ends well, I suppose, right?


You know, I've got a aching suspicion that every time the series was going to get to an actual conclusion, the studio schmucks were just going to have whoever have sex with whoever and then it turns out that he or she was the TRUE OVERFIEND or the TRUE EVIL KING, and then it would have gone on for another dvd and then end up doing the same thing, and so on and so on and so on...
But a question about the mangas:
its just six books long, right? I got them through Right Stuf! and I'm hoping that I can finally consider my collection to complete (without V of course, but to hell with that).

So let me just get official approval from the experts that I've got everything:
Hell on Earth
Perfect Collection
New Saga
Urotsukidoji mangas vol. 1-6

(in a whiny, brat voice)
please tell me that's it and that's all. I don't wanna spend anymore time digging and researching and ordering and waiting... please...

"But, hey, that's me, I could be wrong."


...To those that are curious about the abandoned Urotsukidoji V the site above has a few screen shots of it (including the "true" overfiend). Just click on 'gallery', then 'I agree', then click on the photo set labeled 8/8.

Oh, and to those that have seen the unreleased Urotsukidoji V, can one of you explain to me what these things are...


Oh, and to those that have seen the unreleased Urotsukidoji V, can one of you explain to me what these things are...

They're cybernetic soldiers that Chojin deploys from his organic ship. Their decree is to exterminate the Three Races on sight. When Amano destroys a bunch of them, he sees genderless humans inside the shattered armour.


They're cybernetic soldiers that Chojin deploys from his organic ship. Their decree is to exterminate the Three Races on sight. When Amano destroys a bunch of them, he sees genderless humans inside the shattered armour.


Me and my friends were debating what the hell those things were. One of my friends kinda came close-he thought they were humans in super powered suits sent out to kill the Chojin (via using some of Caesars left over technology). But ultimatley failed (as in the results of the screen capture of Amano and Megumi looking at their corpses).


CahillSellers, great ideas. Thanks!


As a fan of both Urotsukidoji and The Godfather, I'd like to see a fan edit done like this.

Here would be my full version, it's mostly the same as the one later in this thread, although I also incorporate New Saga as well. Not sure if I can fit the incompleted Part V.

Here's my take...

1. "Mankind, you are an ignorant race!" (Legend of the Overfiend)

2. 1922: The Great Kanto Earthquake (Legend of the Overfiend)

3. 1944: Munchausen's origins

4. 1982: The Rise of Caesar (I might split the temple orgy scene and put it in a "meanwhile" segment during Legend of the Overfiend or Demon Womb, since Caesar is a cyborg in that scene and is a little older looking, but it clearly takes place before the Overfiend is born)

5. 199X: Legend of the Overfiend OVA (up until Nikki's death)

6. 199X: Legend of the Demon Womb (if we don't include the second half of Caesar's origin story in the flashbacks, we could also insert it near the beginning of Demon Womb after Munchausen summons the demon and throws the girl off the skyscraper)

7. 199X: Legend of the Overfiend (after Nikki's death)

8. 199X: Return of the Overfiend's opening (the scenes with the President and the Navy being destroyed)

9. 201X: Return of the Overfiend (minus the flashbacks with Caesar)

10. 201X: Inferno Road

11. Urotsukidoji: New Saga (the implication being that the timeline was reset at the end of Inferno Road, ignoring the alternate ending and Part V)

12. Reprise of the opening monologue (but against either a black screen or a shot of the night sky)

Now, I have considered putting the OVA for Part V and the alternate ending of Inferno Road as a nightmare segment for Amano Jyaku in New Saga (since the main ending to IV implies Amano is aware of Himi resetting the timeline, but nobody else is)
