How did you first see this?

After reading the sad story of that guy who accidentally saw this as a child I thought I would post my own, less tragic story, of my introduction to Overfiend and see if anyone else has a funny anecdote to share. I imagine there are more than a few of us who "accidentally" stumbled across this.

Anyway- at the time I had not VCR of my own and my little brother had handed this to me and told me I should watch it (he did not tell me a thing other than it was a good anime). Well I was working the night shift at the time and we had a vcr at work, so I figured I'd watch a bit there since we had really long breaks and very laid back managers.

Well I put it in and started watching it with all my co-workers around. It was not fully rewound either so I just started watching where it was, for the first five minutes it was pretty innocent, and then- dragon sized penis attacks! OMG- it was so embarassing- just about everyone dashed out of the breakroom full speed! The one and only guy who stuck around after I ran frantically over to the VCR to fish the tape out asked me out on a date a few days later. LOL I gave my little brother an earful the next time I saw him for not warning me.

Anyway- I did finish the movie later and I really enjoyed it. Have seen it twice now.

Boycott shampoo- demand the REAL poo!


The first that I ever even heard of this was when a friend of my cousin had mentioned it but I didn't know that he was talking about it at the time. Then about two years later my best friend tells me about it and I watch it with him and my brother, and my other friend in my best friend's apartment. Needless to say, we all loved it. After that I bought it and got everything I could get that had to do with it, comic books, artwork, the sequels, the uncut versions, everything. I am such a fan. It was this film, Akira and Fist Of The North Star that got me into Japanese anime and Urotsukidoji in particular that got me into hentai and Toshio Maeda's work. So far, all other hentai doesn't even come close to this masterpiece. It sets the standard for modern adult anime as we know it, just as Akira set the standard for modern "grown up storytelling" anime as we see it today. Not many films can match Katsuhiro Ottomo's Akira save for a select few. The same can be said for The Wandering Kid. Fist Of The North Star sets the standard for all other ultraviolent anime. In terms of violence, it is often imitated, but never duplicated. Urotsukidoji does the same thing but with sex instead of violence. Nowadays, anime has gotten so mainstream that it's really lost its edge. Hentai is so commonplace now that it no longer shocks people. And with Japanese anime being geared toward kids instead of adults, the anime industry is producing more stuff like Pokemon instead of Legend Of The Overfiend. At this rate, hentai may go out of style. Well, at least cyberpunk science-fiction anime like Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex is still in style today, even if it is heavily edited for violence in the U.S. But then again, the U.S. has always edited everything in anime that's good in order to tone it down. Bunch of wimps. Oh, well, at least the cult of anime fans and hentai fans are still out there. Waiting for that one anime that ups the ante and pushes the envelope. We need guys with bigger balls. We need anime that sets a new standard.


The first i'd heard of it was when i saw an ad for the special edition dvd coming out in the UK, then saw it in many shops. A friend said he'd seen it years ago(we were both 13 at the time, i'm 18 just now) and months after that, he pulled out overfiend on a copied videotape. I started watching it up to about the halfway point, then got a bit confused with some of the storyline(i was a bit of an idiot at the time). I completely forgot about it for years up till a few months ago, then finally bought a copy of the special edition Overfiend/Demon Womb dvd. I found the storyline confusing the first time i watched it all the way through, but when i saw both of them for a second time, i didn't get why the world was normal again for Demon Womb. I'm still looking for a copy of the Perfect Collection now. The first time i sat down to watch anime, a different friend had taped a another thing off the tv, a 5 - part series called Blue Sonnet. This was about a year before i first heard about Overfiend. Although i've never seen or heard of any other hentai movies, anime is still ever popular most of the series and movies out just now easily beat most live action things by a mile. More anime should be released in UK now!!!


Well it only happened four years ago... on the aftermath of my sixth birthday, I was staying at my filthy aunty's house
(I mean it was a total pigsty in the middle of Bargo, how Texas Chainsaw can you get? No offence Leatherface...)
She came back from the video shop which took 25 odd minutes, and she threw the movie from across the room at me saying "here's a cartoon for ya! chuck the *beep* on!" and my filthy aunty went into her room to watch her pornography
I looked at the cover and it had a large, intoxicating cool-looking demon above a helpless city. I, thinking it would be something like Akira, put in the VCR, unknowing of the ferocity of this anime will show...
After the infamous teacher scene, (I was feeling a bit mortified from Akemi's screams of agony, It sounded too much like my mother's screams when my father decided to "hurt" my mother and "make her remember it")I was enraptured, absorbed and slightly disturbed, the 'Angel of Demon Phalluses' scene did not fase me at all (after all, it is symbolic and could mean power, strength or a subliminal Viagra ad. Hehehe...mum's joke.) in the end where Amano cries because of his friends are lost to this purely evil legend, I felt so emotionally distraught for this tragic figure of blind faith, I cried for Amano, Nagumo, Megumi and Akemi. This was a powerful film and I have never seen anything beat it so far (Urotsukidoji II is equal to this, III is great, IV is banned here...) mum has seen it, her personal view is it is a great film but is a bit gratuitous (she suffers from Post-Trauma Syndrome from her rape moments and her child abuse days). All in all, I love this saga. Watch it if it appeals to you.



I love manga movies and saw this when i hired it from a video store one day, after watching 5 mins of it i was like wtf i knew it was rated R but thought that was for the violence not the porn i thought it was a good movie though, it gave me a laugh


I was 16 back in 98 after already being an anime fan since i was 13 turning 14 watching Akira and Ghost in The Shell. This was a shocker!

"Questions Questions too many questions, want shard here!"-The Dark Crystal
