Significance of.....

i did not understand the significance of

1. the "try coughing now" joke. is there any reason why it was there in the movie? i was thinking it would have some meaning as the film goes on but i did not see anything... or am i missing something??

2. at the last we see that kid - one who witness the accident at the beginning of the movie - sitting in his apartment (i guess) wearing the necklace that julie gave him.... what is the meaning of that scene?


1. To allow us insight into Patrice, and to allow us to see Julie laughing--the only hint we have in the film of what a "normal" Julie was like.

2. We also see Antoine ("the kid") try to give Julie back the necklace earlier in the film. Antoine is included in the end montage because he both helped to bring Julie back into life and was touched by Julie in turn.
