MovieChat Forums > Trois couleurs: Bleu (1993) Discussion > Does it matter the order of films?

Does it matter the order of films?

I posted this on the Red message boards, and will do it on the White as well, to cover my bases.

Does it matter in which order to watch the films? They were released in the US in this order: Blue....White....Red

As i taped them off of IFC in the order they showed them:



Yes, i'd recommend viewing them in order. Each film stands on its own, but there are subtle connections to the other films in each film. RED should definitely be seen last, for more impact on the ending, I'd say. So, to make it simpler, just see them in order. (It could be argued that WHITE and BLUE can be interchangeable, but if Kieslowski wanted them in another order, he would have released them differently.)


It's clear that chronologically events in "Blue" are happening before "White", because near the end of "Blue", then Juliette Binoche is in the courthouse, she has a glance on process that starts "White".


I'd suggest to see "blue" last - because it is
a) very "blue" throughout and
b) almost nothing but wordless despair / emptiness for about the first hour

white and red are both "normal" films with more of a plot, and quite emotionally uplifting, so there is more chance to like the style and less chance you'd just turn off the VCR/DVD player and forget about the whole trilogy, which would be a terrible waste.


I totally disagree for a couple of reasons:
1)RED is the last one because, the conclusion happens at the end of it.
2)WHITE is the second because you must have noticed the trial which starts white at the final half an hour of blue.
3)pay attention to the french flag.
4)pay attention to the plots.

and I unlike you I love blue the best.


I think that the order of films is important. For me 'the right order' is: blue, white, red, because 1)it is easier to understend the whole trylogy; 2)in that order are colours on the french banner :)


It DOES matter. The right order is Blue,White,Red. Actually at the end of red 3 couples (+ THE BARTENDER) survive. JULIE and Oliver from blue, DOMINIQUE AND CAROL from white and Red Stars.



Oops! I'am terribly sorry! did I really spoiled everything?


No, you didn't. These films have been out for ten years. There is a reasonable "statute of limitations" on "spoilers".



:) I will never forget to write *SPOILER* again ;)


It does and it doesn´t.

On the one side:.... They are 3 separate stories with few direct connections.

However, there is - for example - a climatic scene at the end of Red which needs you to know Blue and White (although it´s not the end of the Earth if you haven´t seen them, but it makes the experience more solid).

I think one should see them in the official order Blue, White, Red because there is a development of the general idea that the director Kieslowski is trying to communicate. But that is a personal view.
Having seen them all, I think the director´s order is definitely the best way to see them. You feel more satisfied at the end of the "saga".


Well i watched red first only because that was the first that i bought and i love the trilogy it didnt make me feel a missed anything out but the order i suppose you should watch is blue white red but it doesnt matter only at the end of red you find out about what happend to charcters.


You can watch each movie separately and you wouldn't feel "lost" as when watching "sequels" from another movies, but it's highly recommended to watch them in order: Bleu, Blanc, Rouge.
