white in blue

just another note about everything being connected. i watched blue again after having watched them all, do you think that when julie looks for her husbands mistress she looks into the divorce court case of white. am i on the right track? have other ppl thought this.




Interesting that BLUE and WHITE are linked. So is there a similar link in either to RED?


As I wrote in a message on the White board, "White and Red were supposed to overlap too, but the scene got cut from White. Remember the scene at the beginning of Red where Valentine's boyfriend tells her how their car and passports got stolen, and how a nice guy in Warsaw let them stay at his office? That tied into a subplot from the White script in which Karol, now a successful Warsaw businessman, allows those same unfortunate Swiss tourists to stay the night in his office."

-- TopFrog



I saw Karol in Blue. When Julie goes to the Law courts to find her husband's mistress you see him briefly



Watch it again. Karol is seen in the entrance hall I was amazed to spot him. It's much easier to find Binoche in White. They are there on the same day of course and cross paths briefly...



Both Karol and Dominique can be glimpsed (albeit briefly) in Blue.
