MovieChat Forums > Trois couleurs: Bleu (1993) Discussion > They 'Eye' closeup scene - Please reply!

They 'Eye' closeup scene - Please reply!

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I have never seen such beautiful camera work. I need to know about the closeup eye scene in the beginning when Julie wakes up and we see the doctor breaking the sad news to him. How did they shot that scene? Is there any mixing involved or was it just a eye close up with the real doctors image or did they mix two scenes together?

Also at the end we see a similar shot where we see Olivier waking up after sex and we see his eye close up shot. Curious to know if its a real time shot or two scenes joined?


"Michael... we're bigger than U.S. Steel." (Hyman Roth - The Godfather Part II)


It's impossible to film an eye reflection with such detail. It had to be a computer effect.


Thanks for the reply. That's what I think but it was done so masterfully that it looks very real. I am still confused though.

"Michael... we're bigger than U.S. Steel." (Hyman Roth - The Godfather Part II)


Confused about what?


It's a great shot.

As said, it is likely a composite shot, superimposing the image in her iris, which is rather easy since it's black.

The only other way to do this in-camera would be to use a macro lens and blast the actor with a lot of light so that the appears in her iris... but as mentioned, likely wouldn't give you that degree of sharpness. But I can't say I've tried it, so perhaps it's possible. Maybe I'll give it a shot sometime in the summer... but unless you're in the desert, not sure even mid-day sun will give enough light.

In INCEPTION, due to the super slow-motion when DiCaprio falls into the bathtub, they had the key light coming from the windows at what would be f/92 if shot at 24 fps. For comparison, sunny day is f/22 to f/thirty-something.

Since Kieslowski's sets seem rather minimalist, I doubt they'd use this approach... but maybe. They definitely used macro lenses through out the film.


Thanks for the explanation.

"Michael... we're bigger than U.S. Steel." (Hyman Roth - The Godfather Part II)
