MovieChat Forums > Swing Kids (1993) Discussion > I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT.


I saw this movie 4 times and although I enjoyed it each time, I don't understand if it is a satire, a comedy or a drame, or a little of each. Some scenes were funny in a way, and others were dramatic, like the ashes being delivered.

Never depend on anything and you will never be disappointed.


If you look at the IMDb page, it's listed as a drama. I'm just curious though, where did you get the idea that this movie could be a satire or comedy?


IMHO I got that from the fact that with all the Nazi were doing in Europe at the time they were so worried about a bunch of kids dancing...what do you think they would do today with the dancing of todays kids?
Never depend on anything and you will never be disappointed.


The Nazis were angry that the kids were dancing to music that was strictly prohibited.

Sometimes I believe in six impossible things before breakfast.
You are my way Jesus. †



The swing kids were listening to "illegal" music by artists/musicians that were banned in their country. They listened to it anyway and danced where they could, to protest Nazi ideology. It was done publicly, so it was a big "*beep* you" to the Nazis and all they believed in. They were sent to concentration camps and many died there, they kept dancing anyway. It was their own way of fighting back. (Most were under 18)

"It's so simple a six year old could figure it out."
"Quick! Someone get a six year old!"


I wonder if anybody would be brave enough to do that today (if we ended up a totalitarian government.)


You nailed it. You don't understand it.

The Nazis demanded total control over everyone in Germany, and no aspect of German life was too small for them to be concerned about. To the Nazi party Swing music was corrupting their youth and weakening their resolve to fight Americans and the British. The Nazis knew it was only a matter of months until they were fighting not only the British, but the Americans as well. Painting American Swing music as morally corrupt and the music of blacks and Jews was just another way of trying to make America the bad guy, even though Nazi Germany started the war!

This really happened. The Nazis banned Swing music. It was illegal. Thousands of kids followed the music and danced at Swing clubs anyway. And many of them were arrested and sent to, "Work camps," while many more were forced into the Army. Hundreds of them died because they refused to give up their music and dancing.

You really should learn more about just how totalitarian the Nazi government was. This movie actually underplays it just a little, but it's pretty close.


You are right ... the OP has much to learn. I would also add that the Nazis banned/bannished almost all non-German art (there were exceptions)and products and handicapped people. They also exterminated homosexuals. Fact is the Nazis banned whatever they wanted!
