
So he's outted as a snitch in the streets, so he admits to murder he didnt commit to go to prison to save himself? Wouldnt being labled a snitch be worse in prison?

"Is your car up a pole again?"


Another question is.Would they really just send him to prison like that without looking more into his confession to see if it's all B.S.?

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


Numerous examples of evidence exonerating Prisoners and the DA office slowing down the process to find another way to either make them accomplice to the crime they were wrongly convicted of or getting the new evidence thrown out.

Amoral Justice system care more about Winning then finding the truth.
TERRIERS/The Chicago Code R.I.P
Broadcast TV is an Eminence front


He realized he was doing deal with an amoral Justice system that was going make his circumstances worse.

TERRIERS/The Chicago Code R.I.P
Broadcast TV is an Eminence front
