MovieChat Forums > Son in Law (1993) Discussion > why is brenden frasier always in paulys ...

why is brenden frasier always in paulys movies?

he is in son in law and some army movie characterized as link which he played in encino man with pauly shore. why?


I don't know, but I've noticed a few people do that. Some would be:
Ben Affleck and Matt Damon (don't care for those guys)
Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith (yeah! love these guys!)
Adam Sandler (with his usual group of friends from SNL)


it was a running gag to have link show up in all types of places.



kinda like how Adam Sandler and Rob Schneider are always in eachothers's just how it is.


yea right. Frasier as a nobody back then. Encino man, Son in law, In the army now. all Pauly shore movies with Frasier in them. you say they are friends??? why didnt shore show up in THE MUMMY or any of Frasiers films for that matter. if Shore was to make a movie worth a *beep* now Fraiser wouldnt do it, well, i take that back, he hasnt done a good movie in a while, so he probably will. but, i think he only didi it because they paid him, and he wasnt doin to many movies at the time. alot of people used to wath Shores movies, maybe thats why.all im saying is im sure it wasnt because they were"friends". that may be the case, but i think the reason is more than that.


Probably because these WERE Pauly Shore movies. They were movies written specifically with Pauly Shore in mind to play the lead role. In The Mummy and other Brenden Frasier movies, he just happened to land the role. They weren't written specifically for him. Since the movies were written specifically for Pauly Shore, he probably had a bit of pull and got a few cameos for Frasier. Frasier wouldn't have had that kind of pull on his movies. Also, Pauly's movies are comedies and they probably thought it would be funny to have Frasier show up as the Encino it works within the confines of the movie. It wouldn't have worked having Pauly Shore showing up in The Mummy saying "How's it going Bu...ddy."


ok guys..........his last named is spelled F-R-A-S-E-R and is not pronounced Fraiser


I don't remember him being in "In the Army Now." When was that?


He did the same thing in all three movies..heated a frog with a flame and bit into it. He did it in Encino Man during a biology class, In the Army Now while they're in the mess tent and in Son in Law during the halloween party.


Yeah, the only Pauly Shore movie that I don't recall him being in is BioDome.



In "In the Army Now" at one point Brendan Fraser approaches the main four characters and instructs them not to eat the chicken because it tastes like frog. He is eating the chicken not a frog. The name tag on his uniform says "Link".


I read in an interview that Fraser said they were close friends. They use to be real tight in the nineties i guess. That explains the cameos. Plus Pauley poppin' up in Fraser's movies wouldn't fit.

"Karate training is good, but contact fighting like this is the only way to prepare for the street"


At least The D was in Biodome.


To Cloudburst2000: It's times like this that I wish imdb had a "like" or upvote system, so that your logical, reasonable, and most likely correct answer would pushed to the top and/or recognized for the legitimate answer that it is.

Always remember - half the people you know are below average.


Schneider needs Sandler just like Shore needs Frasier, that's just how it is.


There's also another guy in all of his movies, I don't know his name but he's the bum caddy in Happy Gilmore.


Uh... Because they're friends? >.>


uh... because encino man was made by
miramax, as were son in law and in the
army now.

and thats also why brenden wasnt in
bio-dome, cause it was MGM not


He was his David Spade to his Chris Farley. That was back before Frasier was big. Once he became somewhat famous then he left Pauly in the dust.

- Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


Because they're friends.
