Any female butchers out there?

I do not intend in any way to sound sexist, but dissecting animal carcasses is an interesting career path for a woman. It makes sense in the movie because it adds to Charlie's suspicion of Harriet, but have any of you guys met any real-life female butchers? Please reply if you have!! This is purely out of curiosity.


I'm a woman and one of the classes I took in college was muscle foods and we had to slaughter cattle and hogs. There were a ton of girls in the class with me and several ended up choosing to study muscle foods/meat science in grad school. Now, most of those girls will go on to academics but as part of their degree they have to put a good 4 - 6 years in working in the slaughterhouse butchering. Also, even if they do go on to academics as part of the classes they teach and the research they conduct they will probably have to slaughter on a regular basis.


I never really thought about it before but now that I think about it, I've never seen a female butcher.

"If I've never seen it before, it's a new release to me."


Thanx mully, preciate it.


I know my local butcher has his daughter help him out alot, but I don't know if she does the dirty stuff for him...

sorry, I know that wasn't very helpful.

"I must not ilegaly download this movie!"


I know my local butcher has his daughter help him out alot, but I don't know if she does the dirty stuff for him...

Yes, but what's that got to do with butchery...


I don't know of any female butcher's, but if they looked like Nancy Travis I would by all my meat (of the world) there.

"I was feeling well enough to eat the pears." -Lizzy Borden


I've seen a bunch of female butchers at the local butchers shop and the local grocery but don't know anything more about it than that.


Julie Powell, who wrote "Julie and Julia" chronicling her attempt to cook all the recipes in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking in one year (subsequently made into the movie starring Meryl Streep) wrote a second book called "Cleaving: a Story of Marriage, Meat, and Obsession," which details the effects on her marriage of an affair she had after the first book's publication, as well as her experiences learning the butcher trade.


There are loads of female chefs, which is just the same as being a butcher but you cook it too. So I reckon there must be loads of lasses out there that decide they will stop before the cooking bit.


I used to work in a slaughterhouse. There were lots of women working there.
And they were pretty handy with a knife.
