I would have enjoyed this movie a lot more except the set up is ridiculous. Really? Sending a bloke in who won a silver medal in an olympics and had never been in a jungle and never shot anyone?

"It's always opening time in the Sailors Arms".



Yeah that was the setup. Beckett was the real shooter but he had a bad rep in the field and was getting a little twitchy w age, so they wanted someone there to keep and wanted someone there to keep and eye on him and make sure he completed the mission. They even directly order Miller to kill Beckett if he endangers the mission in any way. Plus...for a black bag mission....both Miller and Beckett are very expendable if the mission should fail or if they were captured. The could call Miller a mercenary and say Beckett was off the reservation.


"Yeah, well, you gotta start somewhere."

Yes, typically at sniper school :) which he didn't attend.

Yes the kid was a competitive shooter but there is a lot more to sniper'ing than shooting. Civilian competitors don't call the activity sniping but various terms such as precision rifle or long range rifle.

I kind of wanted them to pursue the "kill Beckett" angle a bit more. The kid was just outclassed.

Another WTF: they didn't bring radios?


Another WTF: they didn't bring radios?
That's what I thought too, but if they didn't, how did Miller contact HQ for the extraction at the end? At the beginning of the film Beckett infers he has radioed HQ (off screen) and they didn't follow his instructions.🐭


Ok well, it is possible the extraction was organized pre-mission. It's a long shot but it is possible. Right?

Signature - To any BluRay/DVD distribution company: please release No Retreat No Surrender sequels on BluRay!
