Don't understand the hate!

I have seen the movie Sleepless in Seattle (a personal favourite of mine) hundreds of times and I'm NOT one of those girls who loves every silly, fluff romantic comedy that pops up in theatres. In fact, Sleepless is one of the few romantic movies that I actually really love.

Which is why I'm confused as to why there are more negative messages on this board than positive ones! People are getting so uptight over Annie being a 'stalker' or there not being enough grunge represented in the movie blah blah.

It's a cute, romantic comedy that is supposed to inspire people to fall in love. That's it.

I have seen the movie many, many times and never once have I thought the character of Annie was a creepy stalker and I'm growing up in the era of stalkers, obsessed fans, internet porn and child molesters.

I have always thought that the reason Annie latches onto the "idea" of Sam (not Sam himself at first) is because it's obvious right from the beginning of the movie that her relationship with Walter doesn't fulfill her and she turns away from it- constructing fantastic, romantic scenarios in her mind about this Sam Baldwin character whom she has never met but sounds to be a devoted father who was a loving husband at one time.

Therefore, it's not that Annie is obsessed with Sam and stalks him- it's that she's bored as hell in her relationship with Walter because of its lack of spontaneity and Walter's mundane demeanor and so she decides to take more risks in her life- including sending a letter to a man she heard on the radio. Obviously she felt it was right. And as for looking him up on her computer, like someone mentioned in another post, it's no different than doing a present day Google search of someone.

It's sad that the era we live in now has lost so much of its innocence that people cannot watch this movie happily without accusing the adorable character of Annie as being a first rate stalker.

Just be quiet and enjoy the film.


Stalkers in real life have a ton of emotional issues, a serious obsession with someone else that distorts their life in scary ways, and are a danger both to themselves and their victim.

But the real issue here is that folks seem to miss that this movie is a fantasy rejoicing in the romantic myths that most of us cherish.


I don't get it either Miss Lawdy. I love this movie and watch it at least once a year. In my opinion it's the best romantic comedy there is. I love it way more than Pretty Woman for example. It has it all, good actors, a good story and one hell of a soundtrack!


Men tend to hate chick flicks for the same reason women hate action flicks - they're typically horribly unrealistic fantasies. Action flicks, however, appeal to men's fantasies, which is why women generally hate them, even when they're well done, whereas men tend to hate most romantic comedies.

It's hard to enjoy a movie during which you have the uncontrollable urge to throw your eyeballs up toward the ceiling and shout, "yeah, riiiiiiight!"

Spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Learn it, live it, love it.


I'm a guy and I like rom coms, Jane Austen adaptations and costume dramas. I also like action films, Arnie films and war films. Basically, if it's a good movie, I'll watch it.



Wonderful post.


when you lose your wife , and you find love again , you have no idea how much this film affects you.
i met a truly lovely woman , inside and out , and this movie inspired me to set up a grand , everything goes meeting where i did everything i could for her to
impress her and make her feel like a queen. And i set all this up to happen on valentines day , just like the movie.

this because after 3-1/2 years following the death of my wife.......i felt truly connected with this woman and i had an urgent compelling feeling to do all i could to make her mine.

sleepless in seattle......the movie that made me live again....

thank you..


I just watched this movie with my wife, as I am shortly going from the UK on a business trip to Seattle and am thus likely to be 'sleepless in Seattle' ;-))

I am maybe unusual as a man in liking romcoms... but felt this hit the spot pretty well. Apart from the first half being a bit slow (but then the whole film was fairly slow) - I felt it hit the spot.

And was about an earlier, more innocent age.

(note the Twin Towers in the background of the Empire State.... at least they are not edited out).

It doesn't set out to say anything really profound IMO but is well worth watching.

(I have to say I felt a bit sorry for Walter though....)



I’ve dated woman who grew up watching 90’s rom coms, and it’s terrifying because some of them actually believed in this magic movie crap. They honestly believe it’s true to life, and won’t settle for less. Word of advice, unless you’'re a man with white knight syndrome, run from woman like this as fast as you can. They’'re insane. These woman behave like Annie (Meg Ryan’s character), and their terrifyingly delusional. Rom coms are our generations fairy tales, and some girls grow up wanting to be Cinderella (Annie).

I once dated a woman who actually told me she wanted to go on a date, where everywhere we went there was romantic music playing. I actually laughed and said, “like in the movies?” She looked at me all serious and said, yes. Since walking around with a sound box had been out of style for about 20 years, I’m sure having me walk around all day with one under my arm while constantly changing tapes would have ruined the mood.


I find the older a movie gets, and a new audience finds it, and watches it a decade or so later, the comments get stranger and harsher. Like the comments on "You've Got Mail" about how dated the movie is because of the computers and this one about Annie being a stalker. I was stunned by the idiotic (in my opinion) comments on the board for "Oklahoma!" the other evening. The saying "It was a simpler time" comes to mind for all these movies. I'm chuckling right now thinking about An Affair To Remember. The first time I saw it with my mother (several decades ago) I commented on the fact that the housekeeper left a paralyzed woman alone in her apartment, on the couch, when she went home for dinner. "What if she had to pee?" I wondered allowed. My mother just shushed me and told me to watch the movie. I love this movie for so many simple reasons. I feel bad for people who can't "just be quiet and enjoy the film."


I am watching this movie right now on Bravo, but have seen it many times before. I swear I saw it the theatre, which is possible sincemy parents regularly took me on movies from a very early age, but I would have only been 8. I know it's unrealistic, but I still love it. The cast is extremely well chosen, it's certainly enjoyable, and the soundtrack is stellar. The thing that gets me with it, are the parts about his deceased wife. It just makes me think about what life would be like without my husband, and I can't and don't want to iimagine it.

My husband and I met in our senior year of high school. We each followed a different friend and ended up at the same lunch table. I liked him right away, but in a very short time, I really wanted to date him. I didn't exactly know why, it just felt like it was meant to be. He asked me to a semi-formal christmas dance after some obvious hints of my liking him. We'e been together ever since. After spending a short time with him, I knew he was the one, as cheesy as it sounds. We've been together for 9 years and married for the past 2 of those. It's a great marriage and we love each other more than ever. So love stories do happen and I guess that's why I love this movie. Sorry I rattled on.

"Everybody lies.."


A lot of the younger generation think it's cool to dump on older films and criticize trivial aspects about them. They hardly know what makes a film great nor do they have any respect for those that appreciate quality film making. Too many of today's youngsters have been conditioned to the crude and vulgar style of film making that is rife today.

SIS is an uplifting and positive film and gives people hope that coincidences can happen. Of course, one must realize that this movie is a dream fantasy which shouldn't be compared with real life.
