MovieChat Forums > Sleepless in Seattle (1993) Discussion > it's hilarious to watch rosie try to 'ac...

it's hilarious to watch rosie try to 'act' hetero

....cause it just don't play. she just wreaks of her real self, which is fine, except that it damages her credibility in the movie.

but her role as a friend was well done,

so i say..... i say..... maybe they should have kept her as the best friend but just had her be the lesbo best friend... nothing wrong with that, right?

"Where.... can I put my ash?"


1) It's called "acting."
2) Rosie was still in the closet back then.


yeah but it doesn't come across as genuine....

so there

"Where.... can I put my ash?"


I'm sorry, am I arguing with a five-year-old?


oh so you admit you are arguing. that's sad

no offense buut i dont have time for that

"Where.... can I put my ash?"


yet you have the time to make idiotically ignorant remarks. Maybe you should go back to elementary school and learn how to debate properly.


lmao ooooh you really zinged me there, lol

Freeze, sucka! Put down the mayonnaise, slowly.


I thought she came across as a perfectly credible hetero in this movie. Probably because she had such a cynical "What's love got to do with it?" attitude about her physical relationships with men. If they had tried to portray her as a feminine hetero looking for romance with a man it would never have worked.

Life's a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!


good point

Freeze, sucka! Put down the mayonnaise, slowly.
