MovieChat Forums > Sleepless in Seattle (1993) Discussion > 'Jim Brown was throwing these hand grena...

'Jim Brown was throwing these hand grenades' [Begins to cry]

I cried at the end of "the Dirty Dozen."

Who didn't?

Jim Brown was throwing these hand grenades down these airshafts. And Richard Jaeckel and Lee Marvin

[Begins to cry]

were sitting on top of this armored personnel carrier, dressed up like Nazis...

[Crying too] Stop, stop!

And Trini Lopez...

Yes, Trini Lopez!

He busted his neck while they were parachuting down behind the Nazi lines...


And Richard Jaeckel - at the beginning he had on this shiny helmet...

[Crying harder] Please no more. Oh God! I loved that movie.

"Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it."


I read somewhere that Victor Garber & Tom Hanks completely improvised this scene. Brilliant, absolutely love Victor Garber!


I get the humour in the scene but I could have thought of dozens of war films that evoke tears ahead of anything in The Dirty Dozen. The scene they refer to isn't sad or pithy; I just don't get it.


They were being sarcastic to make fun of the woman


That certainly wasn't my interpretation. If they were being sarcastic, it wasn't funny, and they managed pretty convincing tears for what would be a bit of minor leg-pulling, if that was their intention. Without sarcastic intent, the scene works; with it, it doesn't.


It was obviously sarcastic, they're laughing while they're fake crying.

They were laughing about if a man would talk about a man movie the way she talked about that romance movie


Did you happen to watch this in another language? My grandmother watches shows with closed captioning in Spanish and she doesn't get sarcasm either.

You can tell by the look on Rita Wilson's face that they're giving her a hard time.


I'll always think Alias no matter what else Victor Garber does.

"Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it."


It's too bad that everyone over-analyzes everything today. It was supposed to be sarcasm. It WAS sarcasm. And just because someone needs to read something else into it doesn't make it any less funny. Was brilliant ad-lib from 2 very good actors (20 years ago). Enjoy it for what it was- a movie.


I agree...funniest scene in the movie! Jeez, way too many people on these boards over-analyze movies......can they even enjoy them? "No one would do that", "why didn't they do X,Y and Z instead", "any logical person would do blah, blah, blah" . Thank God these people aren't screenwriters!


My very favorite scene in the whole movie!! They were great!


Of course they were being sarcastic. And they weren't actually crying, they were mocking her getting so emotional over that scene in An Affair to Remember.
