MovieChat Forums > Sleepless in Seattle (1993) Discussion > anyone remember when stalking was romant...

anyone remember when stalking was romantic?

I do. It was more like natures way than some lawyer derived perversion of romantic intention. When did finding a dozen roses with a note signed "secret admirer" transition from mysterious and exciting to creepy and restraining order inducing? When was that exactly? It is within my life time, I know that. The candy filled May baskets were met with smiles and giggles, as I'd watch after ringing the doorbell and running behind the bushes.... or leaving notes on someone's windshield saying they were a beautiful girl that I'd love to see everyday forever would cause a fluttery heart, not reaching for the mace or speed dialing 911 on a cell phone.

Paranoid nay-sayers are welcome to speak up about all the bad people in the world, the crime, the rape, the murder etc etc etc.... but was any of that any different before it was coined "stalking"? Nope. Always the same crappy people out there, but now one less interesting avenue for exciting romantic diversions. Thanks Lawyers. (lawyers make money when they get laws inducing paranoia passed that they can benefit from)

I imagine THIS movie's forum attracts quite a few female repliers.... I'd love to hear your ideas and opinions of stalking/creepy verses romantically intriguing. Can secret admirers exist in this day and age? Anyway to do that properly, safely and not scarily?

- Discourgaged in Des Moines


You are correct. You U.S.A. people would rather sue's all about the quick, easy and unearned cash---that drives America...!


You don't sue someone for stalking. You get a restraining order, which threatens them with jail time if they stalk you further. This particular "U.S.A person" would rather be safe from a mentally disturbed individual than not. And this has nothing to do with suing or easy money.


Male in the room !

It of course all starts with showing your interest. From that point of view an anonymously sent flower bouquet is a nice one. But you have to follow that one up with making yourself known and inviting the lady for a nice dinner.

It becomes stalking when the receiver makes it clear she doesn't like the attention. When you keep giving gifts, keep being around her and acting like she already is your girlfriend, then it is stalking.
When you're sneaking in her bedroom to watch her sleep that is creepy and sick and you should seek medical attention.


Didn't your last line describe a major theme of the Twilight movies? lol


Didn't your last line describe a major theme of the Twilight movies?

It's not stalking if the guy is cute.

These new Amazing Spider-Man movies promotes massive stalking.

"Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it."


Well said.

Women seem to hold the cards on what's creepy and what's not. If Anne is stalking a man, then it's ok. If Spider-Man stalks his girlfriend, it's ok because he's a superhero. If some random man is so attracted to woman that he finds out where she works just to get the chance to talk to her, that's creepy... right?? This making-up-the-rules-as-we-go BS is really ruining society. It's leaving people unsure of who they are, what they want.



Excellent post. :)

"We are the people your parents warned you about."


There was this commercial about 15 years ago (how time flies!) where a young lady is about to step on to a cruise ship (she must be on the East or West coast), and this young man runs up to her, and hands her a hat (or was it a pair of gloves, or something) and says, "Excuse me, you dropped this".

She says something like, "Oh, thank you. Where did I drop it?".

The man says, "Kansas".

How romantic! Then again, it's kind of creepy. The commercial was quickly taken off the air.

A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.


Hahaha, good one. I wonder what was that ad about :)

"We are the people your parents warned you about."


It's stalking due to the absurd lengths she goes to. Hiring detectives to spy, flying thousands of miles, appearing uninvited on his doorstep. You equate this to leaving roses and a note?


Well, regardless of what others felt, I never felt like it was stalking. It didn't cross my mind until I read some posts here. I've read posts and considered the various views and still don't "feel" it.


I never considered her actions as being bad in any way.

That's the problem with people today. They don't value any one person in their lives... at all, aside from maybe their children. People have been conned to believe that men pursuing women is predatory in nature. However, when a woman pursues a man, like we see in this film, it's a lot easier to stomach. Subsequently, men feel like the ultimate outcasts and women feel empowered. But, it's still robbing society of great masculine traits, like aggression and vigilance... to where everyone just sits on their hands, because it's safer.


Women stalking men always comes across as romantic. Well nearly always!

Its that man again!!


She was NOT stalking him! I wish anyone who refers to it as 'stalking' would post their age. Anyone who was alive before the internet 'stalked' people. If you saw someone you thought was 'cute' or whatever, you used whatever tools you had available. Who amongst us hasn't road a bus or train farther than their stop just to see where a certain passenger gets off. :) Of course, she works for a newspaper, so had more tools at her disposal. With Facebook, it's called 'creeping' on people. Back in the 70's, I had someone call me at home who said he saw me in my car everyday when I was going to work. He got my name by giving my license plate number to someone he knew who worked at the DMV. From there, he got my phone number. True story. Admittedly, today that would kind of freak me out. But it was a simpler time. People need to remember that.
I think a nice note (not creepy and/or inappropriate)on a windshield with an email address could still be found 'romantic/intriguing', IF the person was interested. The key to avoiding lawyers is not to pursue it any further if there is no response. No follow up note saying "I figure you must have lost my last note because you haven't replied...."
And finally, she would only have been 'stalking' him if he had told her to stay away and she continued to pursue him. Lighten up people.
