How did she cook potatoes?

I always got a laugh out of the line "I never saw anyone cook potatoes like that" (followed by that weird grin).

I guess Victoria's strange potato-cooking method is to be left up to the viewer's imagination. So does anyone have any plausible theories as to what it could be?


part of victoria's charm. probably a new school blanching technique.

Oh, and remember, next Friday is Hawaiian shirt day.


Right after Jonah says that, the camera pans to Tom and Victoria, where you can see on the island of the kitchen the dish of potatoes. They're cooked au gratin style. Recipe here:


she's cool.

We're not soldiers and he's not the enemy. He's a pizza man.


Were Annie and Walter having dinner at the top of the World Trade Center



I am roughly 95% sure the restaurant at the end is the Rainbow Room (now closed, sadly). The decor looks right, and when Annie grabs a cab to go to the Empire State Bldg you can see the address (30 Rockefeller Plaza) on the awning. The Rainbow Room was on the 65th floor of 30 Rock.


oh no.

Where there's smoke, there's barbecue!


the Rainbow Room Reopened.


Au gratin or any other way, the line is not about potatoes. It was meant to convey the idea that Jonah was determined not find ANYTHING to appreciate about Irene. It's not a throwaway line--it is a character trait line. He wants Annie, and by gorsh he's going to make life miserable for his Dad until he gets her.
