Question about Alex Martin

Hi everyone,

I was reading Whoopi's bio just a few minutes ago and I realised that Alex Martin, her child, is actually a girl ! When I saw Sister Act 2 for the first time, I had heard that her child was one of the music students, but because only a few ones had an important role, I just tried to search a Whoopi lookalike, and I thought Alex Martin was a boy because one of the guys in the music class tended to have similar features with Whoopi Goldberg. I don't know if any of you see who I am talking about, he didn't have a name nor any line in the movie, he was just a boy in the class (only one thing: at the end, during the concert, when the choir of Saint Francis sings, he and 2 other boys sing a "bass tune" - I'm sorry, I hope you can understand my English).
Anyway, I just wanted to know if someone could tell me who Alex was in the film so I can finally see her face !
Thanks, Julie


Hey Julie,

When Whoopi first enters the music classroom and all the students are making the 'yo mama' jokes, one of the girls says 'yo mama is so fat, skittles came out of the rainbow' or something like that. That girl is Whoopi's daughter.

Hope this helps


Thanks Alexandra,

I'll have a quick look at the movie because I'm not sure I remember her face. Is she mix-raced, with a long and thin look ? Or am I dreaming ? (I'm just questioning myself ! Please don't feel forced to answer me)




She is a fair skinned girl because I think her father is white and she is tall with high cheekbones. She is perhaps the lightest complexioned black girl. There is also a recent picture with her and Whoopi on if you type in Whoopi's now you've probably figured out who she is anyway!

