Vatican 2 Heretics?

I seem to recall that the Maggie Smith nun said something to the main Priest along the line of "we were considered radical in our day too" or similar. Was this a wink to the modernist reformers at the Second Vatican Council whose doctrins and new theology have ruined a decent portion of the Church? What think ye?

Oh yeah, I almost forgot; appart from the aesthetically pleasing aspect of a young Jennifer Love-Hewitt this movie sucked.


Or it may have been just a reference to the lifestyle of the nuns and the fathers as percieved by modern society. As far as "ruining" the church, no. Opinion goes pretty far these days apparently. The Catholic system was actually somewhat corrupt only a long time ago. If anything, Those two would have been the ones who helped resolve it, and thereby making a statement by standing up for what is right over tradition, well... there ya go.

Second of all, like the movie or not, (I do.) you can have all the Jennifer- Love eye-candy all you want. She compares in no way to Wendy Makkena (Mary Robert)
so, :-P.
