Best Moment in Any Movie.... Ever!

I'm sorry but when they sing Oh Happy Day in this movie and that kid hits that note that i truly believe isnt possible to hit, and the look on Whoopi's face.... greatest moment in any movie.... ever!


I wouldn't say the greatest but it's pretty cool, and I think Michael Jackson could've pulled it off when he was a kid, but obviously not now.


What is that note? Falsetto, Head-voice, or Whistle register?


I'd say Falsetto.... im not sure what Whistle Register means


I'm thinking falsetto. That's what it sounds like to me.


Someone said that it's listed in Wikepedia as Whistle and it was him singing.


I love that "when jesus WAAAAAAAAAAAS" very high!! Whoopi's expression is like "What the? WOW!"

What are the purposes of signatures!!..


He hit it, and its called a whistle regester, basically means its off the scale!! and the reason that scene is so good, was because he never hit the note in rehersale and when he did, Whoppi didnt expect it, so her reaction is actually real! and they kept it in the movie, i think thats so cool!

Who? who is but the form, following the function of what, and what I am, is a man in a mask! 'V'


Lol, are you sure thats how it happened? Scenes like that in movies tend to have the songs pre-recorded, so that the sound is consistant through camera/take changes.

The final Joyful Joyful performance was pre-recorded, I can't see why this scene would be any different.

I think Brandon Boyd should marry me so I can cook his skinny ass some PIE!


I can actually hit that note and it is called Whistle register and when i went to my all boys catholic high school and my voice broke i was like OH GOD i cant sing high anymore but i still can so i am like YAY!!!!!!!. but anyway, yeah that note is a pretty hard one to do and it hurts your throat if you keep on doing it one after the other.

Sometimes an accident can be an unhappy womans best friend
