I wanted to hear the example!

When Deloris tells the class something about music and she sits down on the chair on which the kids have put glue she says something like "What I like about music is that you can melt two different styles together. ´ll give you an example..." and then she tries to get up and never gives the example. I always wanted to hear it so bad! Anyone else?
And one more thing: At the beginning of the movie Deloris says that she herself went to the St. Francis school. We see Deloris´ school in the first "Sister Act"-movie. Is it really the same school?


No, her character must have transferred because that was an elementary school, plus that one was filmed in Reno so it is also an entirely different location.


You'll probably never read this response, but for others who might, I think the example she was going to give (in my imagination) was the mending of the diva music she performed at night clubs mixed with the non-secular music style heard in church... The whole idea behind the first movie.
